Logbook entry

Into the Black II

31 Dec 2021SirPuma
Personal Log, Galactic date 12.30.3307

Earth New Years Eve is upon us and I'm nearing completion of the first leg of my exploration trip. After arriving in the Flaming Star Sector and making a pit stop at the Flaming Star Logistics Center I decided to take a detour. For some reason I can never keep myself on a set course and am always distracted by something shiny or an intriguing new path. So instead of heading directly for GCRV 2334 and checking out the Carbon Star, I ended up going over to the NGC 7822 Nebula. (Oh look a Squirrel.)

Nice nebula, found a nifty planet about Earth size, and promptly belly flopped my Asp while trying to get the auto pilot to engage. Shields went down and I took a bit of hull damage. (sigh) Not enough to ruin the ship, but enough to make me worried each time I attempted a new planet. Eventually I managed to make it to the C-star and a couple other systems with some cool black holes, but I find those boring. I do love me some nebulae.

Next stop, Heart and Soul nebulae. Base Camp in the Soul Nebula is a nice place, rustic, rugged. Dare I say primitive. And security at some of the settlements really need to lay off the caff. Stopped by a settlement for some "local entertainment", had a guard scan me and dammit, I forgot I had an e-tool in my pack. Damn rent-a-cops immediately started shooting ... IN THE BAR. Barely made it out of there with my life. They even took the shields down on my ship and did some more hull damage. Fortunately the techs (and the cops) at Base Camp didn't ask any questions.

So feeling not so welcome I headed over to the research facility, Farsight Expedition Base over in the Heart Nebula. You know, on a few of my jumps along the way I've found some plants to sample and hand in to Vista Genomics. Little did I know some of that stuff makes decent booze. But here I sit, in the pub in the Farsight station, and I'm really hoping the energy drinks I have on board my ship will keep the hangover I know is coming at bay. Wow, these back water hicks really know how to make a potent drink.

Any way, I'm rolling out of this dive and heading for the famous Project Dynasty remnants. Perhaps I'll find something to write home about; if there was anyone at home other than my cat. I wonder how the neighbor girl is taking his loud demands for grooming and treats and his odd habit of being a voyeur while she's in the refresher.

Marcus Apollo St Martin-Sepert AKA Sir Puma
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