Logbook entry

Time to Make Some Credits

17 Nov 2022SirPuma
Personal Log, Galactic Date 11.17.3308

Hey, look what I found, my old pilot's journal. Thought I'd lost this thing.

Now where was I. Let's see, last entry was about going Thargoid hunting. So after got back from my trip out to the edge of the galaxy I spent some time outfitting one of my ships to go do a little Xeno hunting. That didn't exactly go as planned. Frankly I'm lucky to have returned at all.

My first encounter with a Thargoid was a bit freaky. I mean, I had heard of them, like everyone else, but I'd never actually seen one and I don't exactly pay attention to Galnet. So when I was cruising around the Pleiades one time a few years ago and came across one, I didn't actually know what the thing was. And so when I shot at it and it launched it's little ... what, drones?, I did what any sensible pilot would do, I jumped out of the system as fast as I could. It really freaked me out.

So after staring the edge of nothingness in the face I felt I needed to face that little fear and deal with it; thus I built an anti zeno ship. Then I went back out to the Pleiades and found one of those things and battled it. It wasn't easy or quick. And when I finally beat that monster I was forced to suck on my oxygen reserves and keep refilling them. My ship was about done in and my canopy was about gone. It was all I could do to find a station a few jumps away and get repairs.

To say it really shook me would be an understatement. So I took a hiatus from my ships and space. Got a job on the docks again and spent the past few months keeping the cat happy and getting to know the neighbor girl.

Anyway, I'm back at it again. I decided I want to get a more permanent change of scenery and I want a Fleet Carrier. So I scraped all my funds together and bought the biggest ship I could, the Imperial Cutter. I stripped her down had the engineers lighten her up as much as they could while boosting the Frame Shift Drive and then I loaded her up with cargo holds. Now I can haul 792 tons of cargo at a time and I'm out and about finding the most lucrative runs I can.

I managed to make back the 500 million credits I spent on her in just three days and hit my first billion ever this morning. So I'm well on my way to being able to afford a fleet carrier. Then I can transfer all my ships and gear off Jameson Memorial, take my cat and perhaps the young lady who's helped me with Snoopy and have more adventures. You know, neither of them have ever been out in space. Their whole lives have been spent on Jameson Memorial. Strange.

Well, time for some rest then back to the slog tomorrow.

Marcus Apollo St Martin-Sepert AKA Sir Puma
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