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My Trip to see Felicity Day 1

01 Sep 2016DLocke
So decided to finally see what all the hubbub is about these fancy engineers. How are they, so recluse and wanting such odd stuff in exchange for their help. Well I decided I wanted to get my FSD upgraded on my Python, I use it for everything so a nice long jump could come in handy. Well any way I am sitting in Parkinson Station in the Eotienses system and plot out my route. Wow thats a long way. over 70 jumps. Ok what do I need, hmmm, 1 meta-alloy. where can I get that at. Well it seems there is only one station around that sells them and that is over 70 jumps away also and only a few jumps from where the Barnacle was found. Well lets make this a trip I think, lets go see this "Holy" Barnacle, and while I am there I will harvest me a meta-alloy. Well it was quite a journey, did a lot of system scanning during the trip so it took around 4 hours to get there. Once on the surface I found the Barnacle easy enough..the coordinates are public knowledge now. Like all good tourist I took a few snap shots and proceeded to blast the thing...hmmm.... no meta-alloy. Looks like someone had already harvested the thing, oh well I will jump over to Darnielle's Progress and pick one up. So now I have my meta-alloy, plot the course for Deciat and lo and behold over 70 jumps away. Geesh this is one long journey, but hey that's what we do right, we fly. So off I go this time not really scanning just trying to get to Felicity before I get to old to enjoy the fruits of my hard work. Finally land at Farseer Inc and hand her the meta-alloy, that was one happy old lady. Now what do I need to get this FSD to work better I ask. What you want a wake scan? What the hell is she going to do with a wake scan? OK so I get her some wake scans and proceed to upgrade my FSD to level 1 upgrade...not bad for one day. Now back out to get some more materials for level 2.
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