Logbook entry

Waiting for the Sirius Expedition CG end

30 Jun 2015Boozeman

Inner Ring of the 20 Arietis 2

I bought Type-6 lol! The "Drifting Brick" is on duty when waiting the end of Exploration CG. There's some nice loop trade routes near Lembava with about 2200cr/ton profit and about 800k to 1M / hour. (Nice with only 104T cargo capacity) Lots of interdictions in the system Woda and some new angle for pirates too:

"Don't worry I've been send to find you" With my hands Type-6 can nicely evaded all the interdictions of the npc's.

Tried heavy mining and it is just too time consuming. The profits are about 400-700k / hour with 64T cargo capacity. Pro tip for the miners near Lembava: Star system 20 Arietis has planet 2 with metallic inner ring. Woda/Cooper Vision is about distance of 15Ly. They pay for metals high above the average prices.

There's also first alliances on Power play, but seems like I will still stay independent.

Maybe I will do some heavy duty exlploring again. There's a nice Exploring Thread on main forum too.
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