Logbook entry

A little different log entry - How to redirect Dangerous/Horizons logfiles to example Google Drive

03 Jan 2016Boozeman
When I am on exploration trip, I will use my Exploration spreadsheet just for estimate the profits, keep track and later to check where I was visited. The spreadsheet collects various things about the trip. When exploring I also use EDDiscovery too.

I often play with 3 different machines and 3 different places. I keep my logs on Google Drive and manually copy new netlog.***.log files there (script that use robocopy command).

Until this evening!

Let's assume some things before:
  • You obivously have to change the <username> to your username if the Elite is installed on <username\AppData
  • Your Elite Dangerous / Horizons are installed on  C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Frontier_Developments\Products\elite-dangerous-64
  • Your AppConfig.xml includes that VerboseLogging="1" at the right spot (Instructions on EDDiscovery page)
  • Your Google Drive directory is somewhat  C:\Users\<username>\Google Drive
  • Your Google Drive has directory structure Elite_Dangerous\Logs

Procedure on Windows:
  • Go to your Elite directory, Cut that Logs -directory and copy it somewhere else to your harddrive
  • Open your command line as Administrator and cd to that Elite Dangerous directory
  • Command as follows: cd C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Frontier_Developments\Products\elite-dangerous-64
  • Command as follows: mklink /J Logs "C:\Users\<username>´Google Drive\Elite_Dangerous\Logs

Procedure on Mac:
  • Start Command Prompt: Launchpad > Other > Terminal
  • Go to the Elite Dangerous Directory: cd Library/Application\ Support/Frontier\ Developments/
  • Delete Logs directory: rm -rf Logs (Backup first if needed)
  • Make Symbolic Link: ln -s ~/Google\ Drive\Elite_dangeous\Logs]

You get message:

Junction created for Logs <<===>> c:\Users\<username>\Google Drive\Elite_dangerous\Logs

If you now look The Logs dir, it seems to be like every other directories. There's that shortcut icon to that directory, but it is NOT shortcut. When you play, your logs go to that directory which is actually directory on your Google Drive. I tested the funtionality with jump one more star towards the core and it just works as intented.

That mklink is normal (but rarely used) Windows command for Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10

Now I can do this for all of my Windows machines (and maybe use ln -command known for Unix/Linux environments on Mac) The logs are on the same place and I can be happy with EDDiscovery / Every other software that uses the netlogs.

DISCLAIMER: This is not supported by Frontier Developments. You do this for your own risk. It is working for me, but I do not quarantee that it works for You.
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︎6 Shiny!
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