Logbook entry

One fine day on space

11 Feb 2016Boozeman

I have left behind Eagle nebula. And finally decide the target of the trip. It is Sagittarius A*. From Eagle nebula I have also left the "explorers highway". My path to the core will be different.

Past two days was fine days for my exploration career. I got First Discoveries for 2 Earth-Likes, 3 Waterworld+TC, 11 HMC+TC and HMC+TC Nitrogen Atmosphere. And found my first AE/BE Star. It was adorable and fast spinning

Systems Visited 552
Systems with full First Discovery 271
Light Years Travelled 11462,47 LY

I have add the star type and the luminosity to my exploration spreadsheet and now I see the pattern. I know what class and type stars I will pick if possible... I have also lost all of my heat sinks.. Not with exploration hazard. Ship is still 97%. I have to rebind heat sinks key far from X and Space

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