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Swan of Tuonela

14 Aug 2015Boozeman

Tuonela is one of the names for the realm of the dead or the Underworld in Finnish mythology. According to the ancient beliefs the fate of good and bad people is the same and the dead wander the afterlife as shadow-like ghosts. Tuoni and his wife Tuonetar are the rulers of Tuonela. At times living people visited Tuonela to gather information and spells. The trip there required weeks of trekking in a desert, and finally the crossing of the river with the help of a ferryman (similar to Charon in Greek mythology). Shamans could visit Tuonela by falling into a trance and tricking the guards. Tuonela features prominently in the Finnish national epic Kalevala.

Finally got enough money for Python Outpost to Outpost heist on Chimiri - T'iensei. These 2 systems totally flipped out when minor faction on Chimiri won's the Civil War. No more 3000+ profits for Imperal Slaves. I found some juicy Slave routes and are back to 3000++ Imp. Slaves profit. I was fly back to Vaka, sell Python and Buy Trade kitted Annie.

The name, Swan of Tuonela is honour to Finnish  Master Composer Jean Sibelius and the Finnish folklore.

Jean Sibelius
Jean Sibelius - Swan of Tuonela

BTW: Jean Sibelius was born in my hometown Hämeenlinna.
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