First Exploration trip to Pleiades Nebula
13 Jun 2015Boozeman
8.6.2015 - 9.6.2015I made a little Plejaides Expedition. 2 black Holes, plenty of O, B, A and F-class stars, nice nebula, some waterworlds and some terrestial waterworlds and One T-tauri madness with blackhole.
- 53 reports to sell at Lembava
- Profit: about 1.4M cr
- Exploration Rank Gain: +24%
- No bonuses for first discovery
Cost about 10878cr to get Diamondback Explorer integrity back to 100% Other repairs and expenses about 3500cr.
Buyed Class 4B Fuel Scoop on her.
I am Lembava now. Joined CG there before selling that 53 systems. Maybe a little more exploring..