Logbook entry

From my first lesson to my first Solo Flight

27 Mar 2021Asmara
I downloade E:D a while back....when it was for FREE but, never took the time to play. Until I met my Pilot Instructor (CMDR Baliwasan) . He showed me how to handle my little Sidewinder and showed me some trick's as well. Needless to say, I didn't spend much time in the Sidewinder as it is really a poor Ship. My next one was a Hauler and CMDR Baliwasan showed me the ropes for Exploring. So, I made a few Million Cr just flying around. Now, only a Day later, I'm the proud owner of a DBX . I outfitted it to the Spec's given to me by my Instructor . CMDR Baliwasan told me, that I will need to engineer my Ship ( for jump range etc. ) and that for the best spot in the Galaxy to gather RAW Met's, I would need to fly to HIP 36601. When I looked on the Galaxy Map.... I almost fainted .

Now, today I was supposed to wait for CMDR Baliwasan to fly with me .... as in a Wing. However, I decided not to wait all day and started my trip to HIP 36601 on my own . As my DBX is not engineered, it was not easy to get there but, with the lessons learned by Instructor.... I have done it.
BTW, CMDR Baliwasan is very proud of my achievement....
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