Logbook entry

War, War Never Changes

7th May, 3310:

War, war never changes. For the most part it's what I've been doing this year. Helping out where I can to bolster Humanities defences and even took to inflicting damage to those giant titans.

Lots of gathering materials, engineering and travel around the Bubble. Something I was never used to as I found it difficult to stay in one place, the explorer in me I suppose. Those out there and any budding explorers are always needed, blazing their trail, as I did. Or finding us a new home if the worst should happen.
But it is also a time of war, and since I found my fulfilment from exploration (not necessarily the end) I took up arms...the bubble needs it warriors. So I adorned myself in the armaments of one.

The Solace has been sleeping on my carrier ever since it finished its journey. All my ships are based on my carrier now which is nice and really handy- having a portable base under my ownership. This choice was motivated by a friend, thanks to him I went for it. Credits well invested. Speaking of a friend, he also got a pilots federation license and we did some travelling around local space when I wasn't shooting Thargoids.

Have met so commanders as well which is always a pleasure. Still getting used to that as it was just the black that accompanied me for my most of my Elite career. Joined a different squadron as well, who I have fought alongside. Don't know how long this war is going to go on for but it's history in the making, I just hope theirs still a galaxy once its over, if not, then I'll find peace amongst the stars.

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