Logbook entry

Getting Away From It All

22 Aug 2015Concubine
++ LOG ENTRY 33010822-005 ++

According to the GalMap I'm currently 600 light years from Gali and receding fast, and I'm not sure when, or even if, I'm ever going to be back there. I have absolutely no idea if it's safe for me to be anywhere near the bubble right now, so here I am, well beyond the edge of anywhere worth naming, with no idea where I'm going or when I'm going to get there.

I guess I'd better explain why I'm running away from civilisation. For that I need to catch up on what's been happening since my last log entry.

The situation in Bast actually ended up being a lot less problematic than everyone thought. We (as in me and all the other freelancers out there) took care of the pirate clans that were causing trouble, and it wasn't long after that the labcoats finally got the cerberus thing under control. Last I heard, they were mopping up the last few cxases and the forecast for the future looked pretty good. From my side of the equation it was all a pretty good experience; I made a lot of new friends amongst the pilots helping out, and I also managed to rack up enough money to buy myself a new ship, a Vulture. She's a remarkable little machine, not as fast as the Cobra but a hell of lot tougher, and those twin heavy pulse lasers make mincemeat of most hulls. I registered her under the name Totentanz, and once I'd upgraded a few of the core systems I even paid out for a decent black chrome paint job for her.

After Bast, and after running a few jobs for the local Federals, I found myself helping out at Apalar, and I think that's where the trouble started. The local government wanted to bolster their economy, and for that they needed a whole bunch of high tech goods bringing in. Most of the other haulers in the area were stripping out the nearby markets, so I had to go a bit further afield, eventually using Thrite as my primary supply point. Problem is, Thrite's a mainly Imperial system, and even though I made a point of only using the independant docks I'm guessing I must have messed up somehow. After Apalar was done with, I headed home and that's where things went bad. I don't know, maybe someone recognised me at Thrite, or my ident tripped the wrong flags. Whatever happened, when I got back to Nakaya the first thing I see as I'm bringing myself in to land is the Mishral's Tears sitting there, as pristine as the day she rolled out of space dock.

Now, I thought the Tears had been destroyed at 3447, but I didn't see it myself. I guess Vorshkov must have got it wrong, or just told me what I wanted to hear, but as soon as I saw that ship I knew it was time to move on. I pulled a few strings with the port controllers, got the Seeker transferred to a bay on the other side of the station and hightailed it out of there as fast as I could. And that's why I'm now heading away from Gali and the bubble as fast as I can with no immediate plans to go back there.

Anyway, I'm gonna sign off for now. I still need to think things through and come to some sort of decision. I've got the best part of thirty mill tied up in ships at Gali, and one way or another I need to get them back. I'm just not sure how I'm going to manage that or where I'm going to take them. So this is me, signing off from Kepler-10, and looking for a way to stay free.

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