Logbook entry

My 1st

11 Aug 2015Arclight117
This is my 1st log entry. Ive been exploring much of Felicia Winters territory since I arrived from Evarate. I've had to evade many attacks from groups of enemies lately.....they're everywhere. It seems like I cant go into any system without the worry of getting interdicted by a wing of enemy ships. The Judgement is a strong ship, but when three Anacondas stop you, all you can do is cut your loses FSD your ass out of the area. I have been doing cargo jumps between Neche and a couple of nearby system with great luck. With each jump ive been able to accumulate at least 300000 Cr per jump, which is not bad considering all I was able to do with my Adder is 100000.per jump. This following cycle I will be devoting my time toward expanding for Shadow President Felicia Winters. Hopefully with some luck, we can clear the systems of all enemy ships.
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