Logbook entry

The Dark, The Judgement, The fight, and Ghost Squadron

12 Aug 2015Arclight117
Last night I realized it was no use. Most systems being expanded and fortified for Shadow President Winters fell. All Federal Aid and Federal Packages deliveries were cancelled for many systems. In under 18 hrs, the Powerplay cycle ends and we begin again to try to rise the Shadow president back towards the top. We cant have another losing cycle like this one.

As I flew through a few systems this prior night, I attempted to dish out some justice to some deserters and criminal out in the dark. As Ive said before, The Judgement being a mighty ship for being a explorer and cargo vessel, but last night it had me having to flee 3 out of 4 battles I engaged in. The opposing vessels were Anacondas..... It seemed that I couldn't make a dent on their shields. Even with its better agility, the Anacondas are well to armed. These mini frigates are very difficult to eradicate by one ship. Its extremely dangerous out here on your own. And as much as I love being a lone commander, Im gonna need some assistance out here........I'm going to need a squadron

CMDR Veyder of Ghost Squadron has extended an invite to me to be among his group of commanders and after the ass kicking I received last night, Im going to accept it. Its time to fly right with others. I've read up on Ghost and any group that stands for justice and order has an never -ending fight ahead of themselves, but its a fight that needs to be fought. There's a lot of criminals out there that need to be brought to justice, but with this team, justice is going out to find them. In whatever dark corner of the galaxy they try to hide in. Cmndr Veyder, I will be requesting to join Ghost Squadron. Let me know where you need help.
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