Logbook entry

Logbook Generator Entry #3

05 May 2021User335722
KSI Asmodai had always hated Cold Tau Ceti with its strange, short Space Trees. It was a place where she felt Itchy. She was a warm, compassionate, Cider drinker with sweaty eyes and toasty nails. Her friends saw her as a graceful, green Goddess. Once, she had even saved a yarbelicious Thargoid that was stuck in a drain. That's the sort of woman she was.

KSI walked over to the window and reflected on her Greenish surroundings. The trees teased like tripping Meerkats. Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Greta Thunderberger. Greta was a selfish Idiot with beautiful eyes and fat nails. KSI gulped. She was not prepared for Greta.

As KSI stepped outside and Greta came closer, she could see the lazy smile on her face. Greta glared with all the wrath of 7397 uncaring loopy Lava Oysters. She said, in hushed tones, "I hate you and I want Notoriety."

KSI looked back, even more Petty and still fingering the slick Railgun. "Greta, eat Carbon," she replied.

They looked at each other with Scratchy feelings, like two precious, poised Pillbugs wigging at a very selfish Bris, which had Hip Hop music playing in the background and two catty uncles moaning to the beat.

KSI regarded Greta's beautiful eyes and fat nails. "I feel the same way!" revealed KSI with a delighted grin. Greta looked Rubby, her emotions blushing like a magnificent, motionless Mining Laser. Then Greta came inside for a nice pint of Cider.
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