Cmdr Quinix
Adventurer / Explorer
Registered ship name
UWU - What's This?
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Type-10 Defender UWU
Overall assets
The Fatherhood

Logbook entry

Log 0002: Ronalds promotion...

23 Jun 2022Quinix

Hey Liz,

It's been a couple days now, and I must say, Ronald is doing really well. He has even been promoted to Expert already! Isnt that awesome? We have been shooting pirates left and right, equipped with 2 railguns, 2 seeker missile racks and a beam for good messure. Made some good mony from it too. I may dip my toes back into mining at this rate. Especially now i have someone whom can guard me if needed.

of a diffriend note, i have not visited Sol yet, but all in due time. I did however buy a new ship, the KRAIT MK II, but have not been able to come up with a betetr name yet, so let me know if you think of a good one!
I also have come across a friendly miner whom i shall support on his trip soon, im kinda excited but i figured i write to you before i did that.

Allright gotta fly now, you will hear from me soon!

Xoxo, Your bestie,
- Quinix
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