Cmdr JMcDowall46
Trader / Private investigator
Registered ship name
DANKUS-Explorer Prime
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Mandalay CD-31E
Overall assets
Pranav Antal

Logbook entry

Commander Entry: 001

02 Jan 2023JMcDowall46
Filename: log-001.log
Location: Jameson Memorial, Shinrarta Dezhra.


Feels like forever since I've been here, I arrived a couple of weeks ago in a medical transport ship. I've been experiencing bouts of amnesia and physically I took a battering from....... something, some kind of fall.

According to the recovery reports from my rescue, I was nearly out of O2 and bordering suffocation. I've been on a course of Progenitor Cells for the damaged brain tissue. The rest of my injuries will heal in time, I'm going nowhere in this state, my mother always told me that you can't rush time.

I asked one of the nurses to buy me a Holopad, allowing me to work remotely. She seemed happy to assist so I gave her some credits and she brought me one a few hours later. I'm going to have the DANKUS fly to Nuenets and send me out one of the scout ships, I'm still to purchase the latest round of AX weapons.

I've noticed a pattern emerging since my accident, once I set up the Holopad I linked it up with The Dankus' remote management network and downloaded my research leading up to my accident. So far my earlier theory proving correct; being that the Thargoids are looking for something, they're conceding alot of the territory they were hellbent on holding a few weeks ago. That's good news for us in the short term with 18 systems captured at the time of recording.

Sure they want revenge, but that never has been the Thargoids primary goal.

They're looking for something and my theory is that they're looking for something Guardian related. With the bubbles proximity to Guardian Space I think that all along we were in the way, Thargoids looked at us largely how they looked at wild animals, leaving them alone unless they posed a threat.

For years they kept to themselves, searching for whatever it was they were looking for, that is until we posed a threat to them with that damned "superweapon" As for that, whoever thought basing an Anti-Thargoid weapon around Thargoid technology. Which is something these creatures possess an exceptional ability to force an evolutionary step on.

This log has gone on long enough so I'll summarise:

I'm getting better and doctors think I should make a full recovery in the next few days. The energy of this war is shifting and we humans may be about to pull an Ace out of our sleeve.

JM out.

Note to self, Learn Cold-Orbitting.

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