Logbook entry

Logbook Entry: System HIP 30377 - AXI Betrayal - Fleet Carrier (Red Wind), 29.05.3310

29 May 2024Raimar Rhade
Entry Start:

Another sleepless night passed as I watched the stars twinkle above, their beauty a stark contrast to the chaos that engulfed the galaxy. My heart weighed heavy with sorrow and despair as I thought of the events that had transpired at Titan Hadad just hours earlier.

The cries for help over the comms had reached me like an echo in the night, pleas for mercy and protection from the ruthless Thargoid and AXI forces that sought to annihilate all life in their path. And there, among those desperate voices, were my fellow pilots, valiantly trying to save the lives of their comrades in escape pods - only to be met with cold-blooded retaliation.

As I disengaged from the Anti Xenon Alliance (AXI) forces, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of betrayal and despair. Why? They shot their own comrades down! It was a massacre.

The tears streamed down my face as I watched the pods explode one after another, the screams of those trapped within silenced forever. The irony was not lost on me that we, the protectors of humanity, had become its executioners in this twisted war.

As the last AXI Pilot disappeared from my sensors, I couldn't help but question if we were truly fighting for a cause worth living for. Was it worth sacrificing innocent lives for a future that seemed increasingly uncertain? On the long run, also humans started the war.

I took a deep breath and steeled myself for what was to come - another day in this seemingly endless war against the Thargoids. But as I looked up at the vast expanse of space before me, my resolve was stronger than ever. No matter how difficult the road ahead may be, we cannot let our fellow pilots' sacrifices be in vain. We will fight on, not just for ourselves, but for those who have given their lives to protect humanity and preserve hope in these dark times.

Entry End.
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