Logbook entry

I need to be more consistent with this.

07 Mar 2023Phantomisgaming
Alot has happened since my last update. I made the trip to colonial, unlocked the final engineers I needed and headed home. It was my intention to build some exploration rank on the way home but then the mealstorms hit the bubble. In a panic and concern for our newest members I rushed home. The rush was uncalled for though seeing how slowly the bugs was expanding. I settled into a routine of bug squashing and collecting mats. Eventually I got bored so I'm spending some time in the formidine rift to break up the monotony of my schedule. I've been researching raxxla as I go. I've been hearing some weird things on my scanner. This trip has intrigued me. Although I won't be spending to much longer in the rift I already have plans for a return trip that will be more thorough and last longer. The next time I get bored in the bubble. I came out here in just curiosity but I've found a lot of questions. Some of them in the bubble, some out here. I'm gonna circle around the edge of the rift and head home, gonna bring a cartograpghics department with me next time.
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