Logbook entry

VIP Sight-Seeing for LoMaC's finest

31 Aug 2024Queens_Pawn
Happy Victroy in Wangai Day!

Today's lucky victim traveler is one Damion Farrell. Look at his face! Isn't it punchable glorious!

Once safely aboard the Pandemos Aphrodite, we set off on our journey. He gave me a full itinerary for his sight-seeing tour, but I immediately scrapped that, as I had much better in mind for him!

Our first stop was Flaugergues Gateway in Kanuket!

This was the site of LoMaC's first retreat in the Ekono sphere, a fact that seemed to make my passenger very grumpy for reasons I can't understand.

Next up we made a stop at Bharadwaj Vision in San Guerets.

Likedeeler never actually got control of the system before being retreated, but for some reason that didn't act as much of a comfort for my esteemed guest.

From there we continued on to Hannheir to stretch our legs at Ahnert-Rohlf's Landing.

After that we made a visit to Verne Dock in HIP 144880

By this point, my passenger was getting downright irate, so we made a stop off at Havilland Dock in Cowini for some milkshakes.

Unfortunately, I forgot to bring one back to the ship for him. But still, it was a lovely visit, and I'm sure my passenger's mood was much improved. Probably.

Our tour of LoMaC's defeats nearly complete, it was time to head to our final destination, but as we jumped into Wangai, we spotted an old relic which I knew needed a visit before we wrapped up our victory tour. This, the last remaining LoMaC carrier in Wangai was sitting idle.

I was surprised by the amount of traffic, but the owner was nowhere to be found! Perhaps he's off playing Fortnite in some other universe. Who's to say?

With that detour out of the way however, it was on to our real final destination: Harvia Station!
Unfortunately my passenger's mood was still thoroughly in the dumps, and my ship runs a tad cold. I was getting tired of his whining so I decided to recycle some heat from the FSD to help him out in that regard. But I got so absorbed in observing the majestic view of Wangai A from Harvia Station that I lost track of my heat levels! The poor man was cooking in his compartment!

I was able to get things back down to a more suitable temperature, but unfortunately at this point he wanted nothing more than to get off my ship. Still, I thought I could win him back with a view of the parade going in and out of Harvia, but unfortunately, he lost patience with me and launched the escape pod.

But oh no! The vantage point I'd found for watching the ships go in and out had the belly of my ship flat to the station, and when the pod launched it smacked right into the side of the station, killing it's passenger! What a tragedy! Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Anyway! Time to board the station and really enjoy the festivities! See you all there!
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