Logbook entry

23043307 Cabello Blanco Travels

23 Apr 2021Farieth
Ship: V-0137, Violet
Type; Python
Star System: Robigo
STATION: Robigo Mines
Ship Captain: CMDR Farieth

I'm tired ...
This ends my report.

Bloody passengers keep asking for more than they paid for. "Please hurry up...", "I want to go shopping..." and such.
I mean, of course, I will be giving the service if it is doable but for the sake of all that is holy, where do you want me to take you shopping out here?
This far from the Bubble. And in this short-range ship?
Bloody forget it.
If only they weren't imperial citizens and tourists I would love to punch some of those smug faces ...
Just ignore the ramblings of this old fool. I'm just a little bitter, not too long ago I was hunting pirates and bounty hunting. Maybe I will take some days off, just to keep a cool head and refill my patience.

By the way, If anyone can get me a good coffee out here I will pay that person triple the price. Out here no one knows how to make a good coffee.
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