Logbook entry

CMDR's log - Ryker's Hope #01-0002

10 Oct 2020V4KY
- 10.10.3306. -

The officers in charge of the crew have shared their ideas and activities that would make the crew aboard Destiny Ascension feel like home.

The ideas such as hosting SRV racing on planets and ship racing in planetary rings on a weekly basis has been approved. Preparations are being made and the list with the necessary ships, ship parts (spare ones included) and SRVs is on the way, shouldn't take too long before leaving for Sagittarius A* and The Bubble.

The communications team has agreed to collect recorded videos throughout the week from the crew and send the collected material each Tuesday at 09:00 GMT+1 by Earth time towards the closest station. The communication relay tunnel would be Destiny Ascension - Explorer's Anchorage - Colonia - The Bubble and vice versa. The communications team informed the officers that due to some load of data, the current relay tunnel will allow the material to pass through, but it will take 2-3 days to reach The Bubble. The team is working hard to find a different way or a new relay tunnel to decrease the time, optimize the load and reduce the size of recordings for a much faster and efficient material transfer. I believe the team can pull this off as their work will be rewarded.

The crew in charge of maintaining the ships aboard the fleet carrier had an idea and reported it to one of the commanding officers. The idea was to organize a transport for the crew's families and relatives wanting to visit their loved ones serving aboard Destiny Ascension. This would happen every 3 weeks, as it would take quite a lot of time to reach our system. Since we do offer rearm, repair and refuel services for ships, we would also do a regular check and maintenance for 2 days to ensure the ship heading back to Sol is in the same condition as it was when it was first heading for Deep Space. I liked the idea and approved it, but the list of ships, ship parts and required modules are needed for this transport idea and the crew will soon send the report. I have no doubts in their expertise.
The crew are looking forward to these ideas and they really want to make them happen as soon as possible, but in the end it is up to me to fulfill my part and meet their demands as promised.

On a more personal note...

The amount of credits it would cost me is not out of my reach, but it is not as close as I thought. Hopefully the lists with necessary preparations are not as demanding as I think at the moment, but time will show. I'll stick around the carrier for couple of more days. I let the crew know that I want them to share ideas, be open with me and talk to me whenever they feel like it. I want to be as equal to them, to put myself in their position. It's not for the reputation I'm doing this, it's just who I am. I don't want to disappoint them. There will always be complaints every now and then, you can't fill up every empty hole, but the less amount of such situations, the better.

I can't stop feeling good about myself. Weird.

CMDR V4KY out.

^Message marked under ID: #01-0002.^
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