Logbook entry

CMDR's log - "Shore leave" #01-0003

22 Oct 2020V4KY
- 22.10.3306. -

It's been 12 days since my last log. While currently on my way to Hutton Orbital to pick up some mugs for the officers and crew aboard Destiny Ascension, I thought to take this time to write something down.

- I've received the list of things I need to buy for the crew of Destiny Ascension and to tell you the truth, this ain't bad as I thought. I've spent ~50 million credits on 6 fully upgraded Cobra Mk.III specifically for events such as racing, exploration and patrols around the FC and nearby systems. Each Cobra has A-grade fuel scoop, a planetary hangar with 1 SRV, Guardian FSD, advanced docking as well as supercruise assist, cargo rack which can support up to 2 tons of cargo, AFMS B-grade... all to all, it was worth it. It also has the ability to install 2 Multicannons, in case there's a need for that. They will be shipped alongside the Cobras. Hopefully they will never be used, but you never know...

- With recent mining operations, I've managed to gather around 600M credits. 175M credits will go for the transport of the crew's families and relatives. I've managed to talk to several companies that do passenger missions, but most of them turned me down with no explanations whatsoever. However, Apex Interstellar Transport offered me their services which covers all travel expenses. At first, I wanted the crew of Destiny Ascension to maintain their ships upon arrival and before leaving, which they agreed and accepted the deal, leaving me with 25 million credits extra on my Bank of Zaonce account. The travel company was kind enough to give me a tour around one of their Beluga Liner. 4 Beluga Liners of my choice and modifications will be used for such services. Details on that in another log.
For now, there's more things to do and not a lot of time on my hands.

CMDR V4KY out.

^Message marked under ID: #01-0003.^
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