Logbook entry

CMDR's log - Ryker's Hope - Revisit #01-0005

10 Dec 2020V4KY
- 11.12.3306. -

I've taken my time once more to talk about the last two weeks, which I do find interesting to talk about. So, here we go.

- As expected, the Taygeta - Electra delivery runs payed out big time, but it didn't last long. The word around the The Bubble spread like wild fire and a large portion of players jumped into the action. The number of delivery missions could not meet the number of players, resulting in a large portion of such cargo delivered to Electra and the prices of delivery missions at Taygeta going back to normal, as it was before. In my opinion, it must be the work of a higher force here, something we have yet to understand...

- Once I was done with hauling cargo for 5 days straight, I've decided to pay a visit to Sol system, where I keep most of my fleet. Landed on Luna moon orbiting Earth and I must say, it's breathtaking. But it makes you ask yourself some questions. If a war breaks out between the Federation and the Empire, how many worlds would burn for actions of a few? I honestly thought both the Federation and the Empire knew better than to resolve problems in a way where pilots put their lives on the line just because they were told to do so. Wars and different conflicts are never the solution, although I understand the moto "Sometimes you have to pick up a weapon, to put it down later", and now we are building capital ships to display the might of fleets to each other. This Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army or whatever they are called, I don't understand what the are fighting for or what are they trying to achieve here in these past couple of months. In my opinion, the Empire pulled a wrong move when they tried to occupy LTT 1935 system located in Federation territory. Sure, the Federation accepted Marlinist refugees and I have no problem in that, humanitarian aid is a must in this situation, but there should have been background checks on ships and the fleeing population. If the Empire had used diplomacy instead of its military, I believe things would have turned out differently and Federation would've offered help and a firm handshake, but it's hard to say because if the opposite superpower benefits from terrorist attacks on another superpower without having any influence, control or connection to those same terrorists... The Federation probably wouldn't be doing much to save the Empire from these attacks, most likely some of the information that is crucial, gathered by Federation agents wouldn't be handed over to the Empire. It's very hard to display different outcomes of this situation, truth be told... but there are tensions between the NMLA and the Federation as well... this is getting interesting...

- To get away from things happening in The Bubble, I decided to pack some mugs from Hutton Orbital and be on my way to Destiny Ascension. Day and a half before my arrival, the 4 Beluga Liners arrived from The Bubble. Both the crew and their families thanked me for such contribution. I shared some mugs with the officers on deck and went straight for the personal quarters to get some rest after a 5 hour trip. After a nice 12-hour beauty sleep, I got in touch with the Jameson Memorial back in The Bubble, Shinrarta Dezhra system. All 6 Cobra Mk.III's were shipped to Destiny Ascension and have arrived 4 days later. This shipping cost me 56 million credits. The crew was very happy to see new ships that they could use whenever they feel like it. For patrols inside and outside the system, planetary and asteroid belt scans and surveys, and different events such as racing, they will perform nicely. To make things even better, I put myself in a role of a working crewmate. Sharing the same food, regular maintenance checks and other activities. The crew took me on a mining run for Tritium and some materials in a T9H (Type-9 Heavy). The crew of the T9H at least had new things to hear from me about what's happening in The Bubble and what might happen. I noticed the crew was happy the carrier owner was relating things to their experience, thus the reason why they were so relaxed around my presence in the area.

Picture of a Type-9 Heavy a.k.a. 'Heleus', taken by a crewmate in a spacesuit, outside the ship.

- The communication relays have been properly modified and optimized, so now we have messages being sent and received every hour, not couple of days. I was happy to hear that, managed to get in contact with ship delivery service, as stated above. The other activities aboard Destiny Ascension include billiard, poker, blackjack, darts, different sport activites such as football (not the American one, the actual football), basketball, handball and tennis. There's also the videogame room where the crew gets to enjoy their time playing different videogames on high-end systems with LAN parties still being a thing, which brought tears of joy into my eyes. The crew aboard also grow their own food where ever they can. It's not that we don't have a greenhouse, but it doesn't hurt to grow things around, at least it produces more than enough oxygen for everyone. The cafeteria is in mint condition and the cooks can make good use of whatever's left available, at the end of the day, you'd be eating leftovers that were just as nice as when they first got taken out of the electrical oven. The food's great. There's also the gym where the crew works out, because exercising your muscles in space is something you'd do every single day, unless you want to become a jellyfish once you hit the planet with enough gravity to pull down your own mass to the point you won't be able to move a bit. There's also this improvised nightclub called "The Vortex". Decided to give it a go, not much of a drinker on a saturday night. I ended up throwing up for 2 hours straight into the toilet in my own personal quarters. The crew laughed hard and I don't blame them. There's also the cinema, planetarium which displays both the system and galaxy maps. The crew said they plan on making more changes and updates to existing parts of the ship. I offered my help, but they said they have everything under control.

- Gave a tour of my 'Pathfinder' Anaconda. The crew liked it and they asked me if I'm planning on delivering more ships to Destiny Ascension. I said yes, just think of the things that you might need for general purposes and I'll buy it and have it delivered whenever that's possible.

- The crew really thought of everything, but I did ask where they put their families and relatives when it comes to lack of space. Well, it turns out the Beluga Liners passenger modules have their own luxury beds that the passengers absolutely love. Luxury beds in First class passenger modules, I didn't believe it until I've seen it myself.

- The personal weapons and armor the crew carries around are in mint condition. The armory's huge arsenal keeps the inside of the ship safe and under control. The large shooting range can be used to test all weapons from time to time, just for the sake of it. The last thing we need is for weapons to malfunction or get stuck in action. The way the crew organized the patrols is very efficient and works flawlessly. No problems have yet been reported. Good to know the crew is aware they don't need bad things happening around them, since the entire crew and officers is a mixed combination of former Federation, Empire and Alliance soldiers and workers who know better than to attack each other. That's the kind of people I like and respect very much. They all work together and treat each other as family members.

- Before leaving for Callisto's Respite, a DSSA carrier located in Empyrean Straits, the crew of Destiny Ascension decided to organize a racing event in the asteroid belt. I was impressed by the performance of the crew flying the Cobra Mk.III's and their experience of knowing how the ships react to their modifications. "Reaper" finished 1st, "Nomad" 2nd with "Omega" taking the 3rd place on the board. There were a few close calls, but there's nothing the crew can't handle.

CMDR V4KY continues his trip.

I enjoyed my time being here, but it's time to leave once more and continue my trip. After staying for couple of days here at Callisto's Respite, on the 20th I'll be leaving for Beagle Point, where I plan to spend my days enjoying Christmas and New Year. I hope the 3307 brings better opportunities and less pain and suffering for everyone in this beautiful galaxy called "The Milky Way". This won't be my last log of the year, one more will be added before reaching 3307.

See you in another log CMDRs. o7

CMDR V4KY out.

^Message marked under ID: #01-0005.^
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