Cmdr SPQR Mike
Adventurer / Privateer
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Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

STARLOG 3307-002 (Rookie Mistake and 1min)

02 May 2021SPQR Mike
where to begin...

So there I was... wandering the docks at Dahm Port in the Angurongo System. I have been getting good at picking up key bits of information from other pilots and flight crew about lucrative trade routes. That is when I had stumbled upon her. She had not been out of the port in a few years based on her condition, but I have always had an eye for finding that diamond in the rough. It was none other than Faulcon deLacy's crown Jewel Anaconda. This ship however had seen better days.

Long Story Short, I managed to persuade the owner who had been stuck living at this port for quite some time due to outstanding fines to cut me a killer deal... Along with trading my Krait MKII. In eagerness to get this ship space-bound, I managed to overlook many of the internal and core systems for proper functionality. Rookie Mistakes...

Getting low on Credits, I filled the Anacondas massive belly with all the Silver she could hold. 1.3million credits worth. Based on a tip, I charted a course for a local nearby system that would net me nearly 20million credits profit selling there. This was needed as I only had 8Mil Cr left over. 7.5mil of which I needed to save for ship insurance...

1736hrs: I'll skip the preflight check... Tower Control has given me the Greenlight to taxi considering all the traffic. I hit the auto dock button and little red lights start going off. I hear the dock anchor release my ship and nothing. System lights are beeping all over the place. I gradually increased the throttle and we begin to move forward, but non of the auto functions are engaging. It is as if there was no auto suite installed. I decided to retract the landing gear, unfortunately, the wiring needed some work and I opened all my weapon bays.

1737hrs: Amid my panic, I fired my blasters nearly destroying the dock in front of me, luckily for me and them there were no ships parked there.
and within a moment's notice, the Shipyard police was hauling me off to the Seraph's Wing detention center in the ICZ ZK-X b1-0 system.

One minute was all it took to go from dream to nightmare.
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︎0 Shiny!
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