Logbook entry

What else is out there?

03 Sep 2024WarpFactorSeven
Apparently an 83,000 light year round trip wasn't enough to satisfy my curiosity. A brief homecoming to George Lucas orbiting Leesti has left me eager to return to The Black. The noise and clutter of The Bubble has always overwhelmed me, but after witnessing the blinding splendor of the Galactic Center I am compelled to leave again. My most recent trip was one of many first discoveries: a few black holes, a dwarf star, and dozens of neutron stars. Not to mention the countless Codex entries confirmed in several new sectors of the galaxy. But the urge to find more is too strong to keep me here, and so begins the next journey. This time I've chosen to search the Vulcan Gate sector; maybe it's the name, but I've got a good feeling about it. I've boarded Parallax and plotted my course. And without a station in sight for thousands of light years, who knows when I'll be back?

CMDR Xiroth Dantar, signing off.
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