Logbook entry

Vulcan Gate Travel Log #2

06 Sep 2024WarpFactorSeven
Last night's exploration of the Vulcan Gate sector brought me to only a handful of star systems, most of which contained the standard fare. I went out of my way to land on a moon and successfully gathered some exobiological data on bacteria, tussock, and osseus spiralis. The terrain was incredibly rough; multiple times my SRV would get caught on an outcrop and I'd be forced to engage the thrusters to break free. Oh the things we do for scientific advancement.

The highlight of the night was an F-type star with a single planet almost 24,000 light seconds away. I nearly plotted a new course and jumped to the next system, but hesitated. How often do I come across a system with a single, landable planet containing geological features? It was well worth the visit. At such a great distance from its star, the world was completely pitch black and nearly -368°F. But despite it's inhospitality, I found myself at peace.

CMDR Xiroth Dantar, signing off.

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