Logbook entry

Day 14

05 May 2021Myke175
Greetings fellow Commanders,

First entry after two weeks of Escape and Evade procedures and survivability maneuvers since I lifted off into the black. What lies ahead no one knows, not even myself. Last I remembered, I was knocked unconscious's by a hooligan group of mercenaries. When I awoke I was laying in a puddle of cerebral fluid next to a drainage grate at some star port.

Once I came to, I walked around the space port scavenging for scraps of sustenance to regain my strength and commenced healing. Walking through the starport I ran into an adventurer, weekend warrior type, talking about this little sidewinder he had inherited by his great uncle. He was sitting at a table playing cards, the game was well-too familiar to me as I found a place to sit and participate in the next hand.

After a quick 45 minutes, this poor sap bet his little flying disk on his last attempt to bluff me out of the money I acquired. Quick to leave this place of ill repute, I dropped my winning hand on the table and watched him stare in disbelief as I scooped up the winnings.

with the key-fob in hand I slid into the seat of my easily and newly acquired sidewinder.

Requesting launch procedures I headed out to the abyss. With as little as 1,000 CR in my pocket I jumped into hyperdrive to the next start system as far as my messily jump can take.

After jumping from star system to star system, I'm trying to stay under the radar conducting as many missions I can to get my bearings straight. The last two weeks have been fairly challenging getting my feet back in the stirrups with little notoriety. Cash in hand and a few ships stored in a couple system starports I am slowly making my way... finding my way... I hope to find a purpose soon.

Commander Myke175 singing out
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︎1 Shiny!
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