Cmdr Antraeon
Diplomat / Freedom fighter
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Crusader 762x39
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The Holy Ken'Tarii Imperium
Nakato Kaine

Logbook entry

Press Release: Military Action Threatened, Arch-Marshal Responds by Breaking Ties with FUC

09 Jun 2022Antraeon
The Belgitan sphere's future is once again brought into question following the actions of militant pro-federation activists within FUC and fringe-federal groups spreading misinformation on the intentions of CMDR Antraeon and the rest of THKI's position towards the Federal powerplay presence in the area. As of the posting of this statement, no evidence supporting these claims has surfaced from either those making the allegations or from third-party investigators; Nonetheless, following FUC leadership's decision to refuse the Arch-Marshal's request of cease-and-desist against the activists, and their subsequent decision to whitelist posts and threads calling for military action and general violence against various independent squadrons as verified, THKI leadership will be formally breaking political ties with FUC, effective on Thursday, June 9th 3308, at noon UTC.

"This is a position I remain firm on," states the Arch-Marshal when inquired on the decision to cut all contact with FUC, "That the Federal presence has only ever been beneficial to the few systems which we maintain control of in the Belgitan sphere, and our heavy involvement in far-foreign conflicts is indicative of our desire to KEEP such conflict as distant as possible from our home territory. The past conflict we've had with the Federal powerplay in Belgitan was in connection to a group which never held a legitimate claim to the territory to begin with, and which almost exclusively attacked us in our controlled systems OUTSIDE of Belgitan's control-radius. Once they were disenfranchised of FUC's support for their claim and settled on another location it never became an issue afterwards - until now it seems."

The Arch-Marshal went on to explain during the interview that he has deep and growing concerns for the new leadership within both the Federal Liberal Command and Federal Republic Command structures, both of which seem to be exerting focus of conflict outwards from the group. He believes that this may be due to the tensions of the upcoming Federal-Presidential election causing infighting and corruption to spike, with many Pro-Federation pilots and squadrons attempting to re-ignite old external conflicts and spark new ones as a distraction to maintain stability. CMDR Antraeon confirmed that the majority of these new, unfounded accusations had taken place on the squadron's anniversary, just two days earlier.

"Until FUC's new leadership can start properly assessing what is going on instead of working to amplify the efforts of these extremists, I'm left with no other choice but to ask my command structure to vote on breaking diplomatic ties and dissolving their representative's ambassador status." The vote, held on June 8th at 6PM UTC among the squadron's company and battalion-level officers, passed almost unanimously after less than ten minutes of deliberation. The powerplay position of Felicia Winters in Belgitan has been attacked twice since it was established towards the end of 3307, but since then has remained relatively stable with the last recorded action taken to undermine the system being in January nearly five months ago. Since then The Holy Ken'Tarii Imperium and Federal Unified Command have negotiated a tentative peace over the region in terms of faction control and powerplay presence. It is very possible that due to this most recent issue, however, that federal presence in the region may be in jeopardy now that THKI is no longer willing to support or acknowledge the Federation's powerplay claims.
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