Cmdr Antraeon
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The Holy Ken'Tarii Imperium
Yuri Grom

Logbook entry

Press Release: Arch-Bishop Announces Pro-Peace Memorial Site - Tomb of the Enemy Soldier

28 Jan 2024Antraeon
Arch-Bishop Teegan Perry has published a document declaring the faction's intent to construct a new monument in the Qi Gongzi system in a bid to spearhead development and the expansion of its territorial claims in the region; The message being conveyed, however, is one of calm solidarity and warming relations with both the Federation and Empire with the Arch-Bishop acknowledging the sacrifices made by independent and superpower-aligned commanders alike in conflict against both the Thargoids and each other. The memorial site will honor the soldiers which have fallen in Ken'Tarii space fighting for the opposing side, making the monument the first of its kind. The planned site will also be sanctified as an intergalactic safezone to which foreigners will be granted access to for the purposes of paying their respects. There is also a possibility that foreign embassies may be opened in locations adjacent to the site as well, promoting the region's now long-standing political stability. The quote which shall be inscribed on the tomb shall be written as follows;

"Herein lies a soldier, one of many
Who gave their life not in vain.
Who flew the flag of their nation
Under foreign skies, never to return home.
In life they fought with valiance and honor,
And in death they found victory and peace.
These grounds are for their internment,
As their trespass is forgiven.
They are seen as a brother like any other,
And shall never be seen as anything less."

Though the monument shall be the first of its kind to be erected across the wider galaxy, the idea of honors rendered to soldiers wounded or killed in the line of duty has always been a hallmark of Ken'Tarii culture and government policy. Soldiers leaving military service receive free educational resources and medical benefits while at least working part time 18 hours per week (until aged 60, at which they may retire and retain full benefits), and immediate family members of wounded or killed service members of foreign origin are granted full Ken'Tarii citizenship and receive financial aid for the rest of their natural lives. Impersonating a soldier in Ken'Tarii space can result in up to 10 years imprisonment and forced labor, and assaulting or violating the widow of a fallen soldier is considered punishable by death and excommunication.

The body scheduled to be interred is an as-of-yet unidentified Federation soldier whose remains were recovered back in 3309, when the second half of Tayno Shosuke's wreckage was discovered. Federal officials have not responded to inquiries on the identity of the officer being entombed, and have not responded to previous offers the Mandate has made to return them.
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