Logbook entry

Free Leesti!

05 Sep 2016DNA-Decay


The jewel of the old worlds!

Rich in lore and history.

This beautiful blue planet is home to valuable rare commoddities and hosts much CMDR traffic. Thousands of ships come here every day. Its ruling station is named for George Lucas - director of the film "THX 1138" - a documentary which depicts the daily horrors of life under a future totalitarian consumer society. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0066434/

In July 3301 Leesti became a member of the Alliance of Independent Systems under Prime Minister Edmund Mahon. However this has brought death and mayhem as the Feds and Imperials to put Alliance Enforcers through the meatgrinder.

The killing had the effect of nuking the influence of whoever was ruling and Leesti went through months of volatile chaos as the goverments changed almost daily.

Finally in Novemnber 3301 an influence cap was introduced, and the BGS effects of underming were de-coupled from PowerPlay Control Systems. Unfortunately the government of the day was the hated Justice Party of Leesti, who stormed into power on a platform of "law & order and stability".

'Stability' Leesti has had. But alas poor Leesti!

With every rares trade raising the influence of the ruling party, there was no stopping JPL - "the Justice Party"; and they became not a 'Benevolent Dicatatorship' as they had promised; but a cruel totalitarian state: Mind Locks, Nerve Stapling, Standardised Consumption, Involuntary Euthanasia, 'Reconditioning' and Torture.

But CMDRs everywhere turned a blind eye, in order to get rich on Azure Milk and Leesti Evil Juice. After all what can one CMDR do against the headwinds of the rares trade?

It would take an large organisation who really know the Background simulation. With good friends in powerful groups. To work tirelessly to build the influence of: Independent Leesti For Equality.

And when the time is ripe, to trigger a Civil War to re-take control of George Lucas station for the Alliance.

That Time Is Now! And that organisation is the Alliance Elite Diplomatic Corps. The AEDC.

And with the help of all the Alliance groups we can Free Leesti, and return her to Peace, Prosperity and Equality.

Alliance CMDRs from every Group have been pouring into Leesti: To join the Combat Zones and choose the side of Independent Leesti For Equality.

Aide Elias Hampton of ILFE is quoted: "Every hollow square has made by heart leap for joy. I have personally recognised CMDRs from AEDC, AID, AOS, PLA, TCF, SCL and [NULL] and more are joining by the hour. Please join us in overthrowing JPL."

For The Alliance!

For Leesti!

For Freedom!

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