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Who do I have to f--k to get off this boat? [Language Warning]

22 Sep 2015DNA-Decay
So Sirius have put out a call for frienemies to oppose their Artume expansion.

The f--king BadWolf_412 brigade have 5th columned this s--t system into Sirius' get list. If they do get it - it will bleed them white.

So I park the grindsmobile at Tellus and dust off the Yellow Punchbuggy. Still not A rated. But I really gotta lose my combat cherry - head out into the black and blood up.
Well yeah sure, I was in a couple of wings but eventually ya gotta stop having the grade five kids holding your hand.

Scoot on down to Artume via a p!ss stop in Wolf 1323 for a refuel.

So I get into Artume and there's a bit going on, but I can't figure it out. What does Galnet have to say about it:
I go to Galctic Powers open Galactic Power Standing and then open Li Yong-Rui and then open tab Expansion and it says:
Battle Li Yong-Rui's nefarious intentions by removing Sirius Corporate Contracts from Corporation ships in systems he is expanding into. Then bring them to contacts in controlled systems for destruction."
- Jeezus who writes this garbage?

Uh, sure so I have to collect somethig from ships I blow up.

Cruise around a bit - stick my nose into some weak signal source. There's a wreck, and tuppence worth of free canisters of whatever. Sure why not -  illicit cargo (yeesh there goes another cherry) Well I ran some drugs once - But like David Cameron says: " I was young and needed the money."

I dunno - I just can't pick them.  I get into a few fights [NPCs]. No body drops any canisters or anything. aren't I supposed to pick up something?

Hostile from everyone. Get into an even matched scrap with an NPC Cobra. I get down to 30% hull and he's at 15% - Only enough cash for one rebuy so I run. Pissweak.
Yeah yeah you were like that too once.

Eventually head over to Bonitou to lick my wounds. Screaming through the toast rack at 280 klicks - I've got no idea what happens if they bust you with Illicit Cargo, but I think you are suposed to have more than a third of hull left when the station opens fire.

Bonitou is another of these s--tholes - Owned by the Alliance, but governed by the Feds.
Or is it the other way around - who can tell between the corporations and the govt?

Check in the with the Power Contact and HEY - I've got combat merit opposition thingies to hand in!

I migt get the hang of this after all!
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