Logbook entry

Some Rebuys sting more than others.

08 Feb 2017DNA-Decay
I knew it was trouble.

I should have left when I heard the scan.
I was tired. I hadn't got the right equipment.

It's been interesting heading out halfway to the Heart and Soul Nebula.

Figured a way to optimise my route through NGC 7822 so I'm just grabbing black holes and other ripe low hanging fruit. You can make eddb.io list all the compact stars in a region and then sort by how far they are from the entry point.

I got back a couple of days ago.
Asked the boffins upstairs at the Diplomatic Corps where I should drop my explo data for good BGS effect. Start. Get interrupted by dinner with the family, and then next night I spark up and BSOD!!
I'm in the land of "cases, screwdrivers, and ratting through drawers looking for forgotten graphics cards." Two computers down for two days, but I got one back up tonight.
I'm clocking 18fps but I'm up.

But now all the data dumps have turned to wars so I hang on to my explo data for engineers.

I'm chasing Palin for, uh "reasons". But I'm starting from the ground up. So Elvira till grade 3 shields - ten minutes easy.
Then head over to Procyon drip feeding the explo data to Sirius Inc. Bump a friendly level, cash a couple of donates and deliver some beer.

One more thing before bed.

I'll just pop over to Fedmich and rescue a few Alliance staffers, and that way if the CG finishes before I get back in game at least I've put tuppence in the poor box and I can hold my head up as an Alliance CMDR, and don't have to miss out if there's something cool hanging off the CG.

The wreckage components are legal, so I don't stress when I hear the scan. And I'm doing it by hand because I don't have collectors.

i was dead about 40 seconds after picking up the first Occupied Escape Pod.

And it's not the explo data I mind, though I had lots of uses for it.

Before I went out into the black, I did a run to an out of the way spot, where there was the wreck of a T-9 Bravo Gamma Sierra, log manifest showed: Heavy Metals, Alcohol, Explosives, and 419 units of a book called "Secrets of Simulated Backgrounds"
From the black box I had pulled an Intel Data Package worth 5139 Cr.
And I hadn't sold it anywhere.
I planned to sell it at the Alliance Research Base in California Nebula. But they were a dictatorship. And I didn't sell it where I was unloading the explo data because uh, well some wars are amazing events but this pending war was basically maintenance. And that Intel Data Package was special. A lot of AEDC CMDRs were name checked by Dav Stott in the BGS livestream where the location of the T-9 was encrypted.

The explo data stings a bit.
But that "Dav Stott Intel Data Package" really was special, and I was saving it for the right occasion.

Never mind "play it how it lies" as they say.
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