Logbook entry

The Jasmina Halsey saga.

08 Feb 2017DNA-Decay
Community Goal: The Search for Starship One

28 JAN 3302

In May 3301, the personal vessel of the Federal president, Starship One, disappeared en route to the Azaleach system. An investigation was promptly launched, but the fate of the vessel and her crew, which included then-president Jasmina Halsey, could not be conclusively determined. In a statement released earlier today, Federal President Zachary Hudson announced his intention to resume the search for the ship, inspired by the discovery of the remains of the liner Antares:

"Like many others, I was heartened by the Sirius Corporation's success, and I found myself thinking that if the remains of a ship lost fifty years ago could be found, surely a ship lost less than a year ago could also be recovered. I am therefore offering generous reimbursements to pilots who deliver wreckage components to the Federal research outpost at Leoniceno Orbital in the Azaleach system. Once we have gathered enough material, we will analyse the debris to determine if any of it is from Starship One. If we are able to find the remains of the ship, we may be able to determine what happened to President Halsey and the rest of the ship's crew."

But it appears that President Hudson is not the only person eager to find Starship One. In a strange turn of events, an organisation by the name of Daurtu Jet Comms PLC has also announced its intention to search for the missing presidential vessel. Virtually nothing is known about Daurtu Jet Comms PLC, but the fact that it is offering even larger rewards than the Federation may convince pilots to lend the organisation their support.

Galactic News: Former Federal President Found

26 FEB 3302

The recent Federal operation to search for survivors from Starship One was eagerly supported by the galactic community, resulting in the safe recovery of thousands of escape pods, many of them containing living survivors. As the task of identifying the pod's occupants continues, Federal President Zachary Hudson has made a surprising announcement: one of the escape pods taken to Leoniceno Orbital contains former Federal president Jasmina Halsey.

"When we started searching for the remains of Starship One it was with the aim of discovering what happened to the ship. I never imagined we would find survivors, and certainly not that one of them would be Jasmina Halsey."

Asked about Halsey's condition, Hudson said:

"The medical team at Leoniceno has described Halsey's condition as critical but stable. It appears her escape pod was damaged and she sustained some injuries, so she's being kept in an induced coma until her wounds have healed. This is likely to take weeks. If her condition changes I will be immediately notified."

Freelance Report: Game of Shadows

15 MAR 3302

Various media outlets throughout inhabited space received an anonymous communiqué this morning. "The galactic community is in peril," the message began. "They just don't know it yet."

The transmission asserts a connection between Core Dynamics, the destruction of the Antares and Starship One, the Emperor's Dawn insurgency, and setbacks in Unknown Artefact research. It also claims that the deaths of Federal Vice-President Nigel Smeaton, Sean Richards, Arnold Lowe, Susan Monroe, Elaine Boyd, Emperor Hengist Duval and the disappearances of former Federal president Jasmina Halsey and Professor Ishmael Palin are similarly connected.

The message concluded: "Many of those who have tried to connect these seemingly disparate events have been silenced, along with their sources. That is why I have chosen to remain anonymous. So far, only pawns have been revealed in this shadowy game. We must discover the king."

Neither the Federation nor the Empire has chosen to comment on the transmission.

Commander Corrigendum

Galactic News: Could Jasmina Halsey be Reinstated?

16 MAR 3302

Following the extraordinary rescue of former Federal president Jasmina Halsey, whose escape pod was recovered from the wreckage of Starship One, questions have been asked about her possible return to power. According to an anonymous source within the Federal government, several senior-level politicians have voiced the opinion that, should she make a full recovery, Halsey ought to be allowed to serve out the remainder of her term.

Simon Newell, a legal advisor to the Federal government, spoke to the Federal Times earlier today.

"There's no direct precedent for this situation, so it's hard to be certain. I know some members of government believe Halsey should be reinstated, but my feeling is that such an outcome is unlikely. When Halsey disappeared she was already facing a vote of no confidence, and her presidency was officially terminated so a new president could be elected. My suspicion is that if there were a legal challenge, the law would uphold the vote of no confidence recorded at the time."

Galactic News: Jasmina Halsey to be Revived

23 MAR 3302

Medical personnel at Leoniceno Orbital have announced they will soon bring former Federal president Jasmina Halsey out of her induced coma. When the former president arrived at the starport she was still in her damaged escape pod. Since then, medical personnel at the starport have worked tirelessly to heal the injuries she sustained in the destruction of Starship One. Having completed this process, Halsey's doctors now believe it is safe to start waking their patient.

"The process of waking President Halsey from her coma must be done gradually," said Dr Lucy Ingles, who has been overseeing Halsey's treatment. "She is still in a delicate condition."

If the process is successful, the former president should be fully conscious within a few days.

Galactic News: Jasmina Halsey Brought Out of Coma

26 MAR 3302

Federal President Zachary Hudson has released a statement confirming that former president Jasmina Halsey has been brought out of her induced coma.

"The injuries Jasmina Halsey suffered in the destruction of Starship One were severe, but her escape pod preserved her vital functions. Having repaired her injuries, medical personnel at Leoniceno Orbital revived President Halsey from her coma this morning. I have been told that she is now sleeping peacefully, and is expected to wake in the next few days."

Reporters were told that Halsey would need at least a week before she is likely to be able to talk to those outside her immediate family.

Galactic News: Halsey Talks to the Media

04 APR 3302

Former Federal president Jasmina Halsey spoke to select reporters at Leoniceno Orbital today, answering the questions many have wanted to ask since she was recovered from the wreckage of Starship One. When asked about Starship One's destruction, Halsey replied:

"I remember very little, really. A thunderous noise, then silence. Being thrown across the bridge in my chair, and then being unable to breathe. I remember one of my bodyguards getting me to the pod as things floated about silently, like a dream. The last thing I remember is a terrible pain in my ears and a very loud noise as the pod filled with what looked like steam."

The former president's voice was distant, and she seemed to drift off between sentences. She certainly did not sound like the forceful leader from last year.

A reporter from the Alliance Tribune asked President Halsey what it was like to drift through space for so long:

"It was wonderful. Amazing. I saw the universe, and our galaxy within it, as I'd never seen it before, and I felt the presence of the real caretakers of our galaxy. The paradox of their existence – tiny yet gargantuan, fleeting yet eternal. They spoke to me as I drifted in the void. It was amazing. I must share their message."

This unorthodox statement prompted a flurry of further questions, but Halsey's escorts promptly led her from the room.

Community Goal: Jasmina Halsey Appeals for Exploration Data

28 APR 3302

Since being discharged from the medical centre at Leoniceno Orbital, former Federal president Jasmina Halsey has repeatedly spoken about the allegedly transcendent experiences she had while drifting through space.

The former leader purports to have seen "the true architects of creation" and to have been shown what she describes as "the infinities of the cosmos" – assertions that, along with her slowed speech, have seen her condemned as mentally unstable by some commentators.

Now the former president has launched an appeal for exploration data that she hopes will validate her claims. According to a member of her personal staff, the former leader believes the data will prove there are super-intelligent beings living in the depths of space.

The former Federal president released a brief statement to the media:

"They are out there. I have seen them. We must put aside our petty differences and work together to establish contact. There is so much we could learn from them."

The Azaleach Partnership has agreed to coordinate the campaign on Halsey's behalf, and to reward pilots who deliver exploration data to Leoniceno Orbital. The appeal begins on the 28th of April 3302 and will run for one week.

Galactic News: Jasmina Halsey to Undergo Psychiatric Review

07 MAY 3302

A member of Jasmina Halsey's personal staff has announced that the former president's appeal for exploration data failed to uncover any evidence of the entities she claims to have seen. The campaign yielded a huge quantity of exploration data, but despite being subjected to extensive examination, the information did not yield any proof of Halsey's assertions.

The spokesperson went on to say that the former Federal president had been admitted to a secure psychiatric facility on Mars for "extended care and review". This announcement follows weeks of speculation concerning Halsey's mental health, which was called into question by commentators both within and outside the Federation.

Halsey's spokesperson declined to answer journalists' questions.

Freelance Report: Conspiracy Theorist Defends Halsey

09 MAY 3302

Notorious conspiracy theorist Ricardo Bentonio, speaking from the Groombridge 34 system, has issued a statement of support for former Federal president Jasmina Halsey:

"They're calling Halsey crazy, but she may just be a modern-day Joan of Arc – a conduit chosen by the Architects of Creation to speak to mankind. The powers-that-be want to silence her by locking her away. I demand that I and a small group of scientists be granted an audience with President Halsey so we can find out the truth."

Bentonio recently made headlines after issuing a plea for cartographic data to prove that the 29th of February was an 'aberrant day' heralding the imminent collapse of the universe. What Mr Bentonio did with that data, and whether it helped to prove or disprove his theories, has not been released to the public.

Commander Finn McMillan

Galactic News: Bentonio's Request Rebuffed

13 MAY 3302

Arlo Cortez, a member of Jasmina Halsey's personal staff, has responded to a recent statement from Ricardo Bentonio, the notorious conspiracy theorist. In an official press release, Cortez said:

"The suggestion that Jasmina has been somehow 'silenced' by oppressive governmental powers is patently ridiculous. The decision to admit Jasmina to the Clearwater Clinic was made by her friends and family. No one else was involved."

Cortez also said that Bentonio's request to meet with Halsey would not be granted:

"Our paramount concern is that Jasmina receives the care and attention she needs. She will not be meeting with members of the press, representatives of the Federation, or crackpot conspiracy theorists."

Galactic News: Jasmina Halsey Discharged

15 JUL 3302

It has been two months since former Federal president Jasmina Halsey was admitted to the Clearwater Clinic psychiatric facility on Mars. Halsey's admission followed a period of bizarre behaviour, during which she claimed to have encountered super-intelligent beings in the depths of space.

Since then, a proportion of the Federal population has been calling for the former president's release, claiming that she was hospitalised not for the good of her health but in order to silence her. This suggestion was dismissed as "patently ridiculous" by Halsey's personal staff, but this did little to deter those campaigning for Halsey's freedom.

Now it seems the campaigners have got their wish. Today, Jasmina Halsey left the Clearwater Clinic of her own volition, having been deemed ready to return to society by her doctors.

President Halsey was met at the entrance of the clinic by a crowd of supporters, to whom she gave a brief statement:

"I would like to thank the staff of this fine institution for helping me during this troubled time. It's fair to say I haven't quite been myself recently, and I apologise wholeheartedly for any distress I might have caused."

Freelance Report: Could Halsey Shake up Federal Politics?

22 JUL 3302

Following the release of former Federal president Jasmina Halsey from the Clearwater Clinic, commentators from around the galaxy are asking the same question: What's next for Halsey?

According to political analyst Emilio Blythe: "If Halsey were to return to politics, it could spell trouble for Shadow President Felicia Winters. Winters's leadership of the Liberal Party has been questioned over the last few months, and Halsey could conceivably retake control of the party."

Meanwhile, members of the religious cult known as The Hands of the Architects are holding onto the hope that Halsey will take on the mantle of prophet, and lead them to 'communion with the Architects'.

Attempts to contact the former president have been rebuffed by her staff.


Galactic News: Jasmina Halsey Returns to Public Life

29 JUL 3302

At a recent charity event, former Federal president Jasmina Halsey made her first public appearance since she was discharged from a secure psychiatric facility on Mars two weeks ago. The woman seen at the event differed dramatically from the frail individual seen leaving the Clearwater Clinic. Some commented that she appeared even more confident than when she was in office.

After the event, reporters asked President Halsey what she has planned for the future.

"I know that many of you have been perplexed by my recent statements, but having reflected on my experiences, I have accepted that what I saw might not have been literally real. I do believe, however, that the message contained in those experiences is valid, and that I have a duty to share that message."

"As a species we have learned nothing from our history. We plundered the Earth for its treasures, treating it with callous indifference, and now we stumble blindly into space in pursuit of wealth and glory. And all the while we are heedless of the damage we cause."

"We remain a violent species, unable to cooperate, and we are therefore deprived of the prosperity that true peace would bring."

Halsey further surprised reporters by stating that she had recently met with Alliance Prime Minster Edmund Mahon, and that she would soon be relocating to a system within Alliance space.

Galactic News: Halsey Shares Her Vision

20 SEP 3302

Since leaving the Clearwater psychiatric centre in July, former Federal president Jasmina Halsey has maintained a relatively low profile. But now the former leader has broken her silence to share news of "a compelling vision" with the galactic community.

In a public address at Gotham Park in the Alioth system, Halsey described the nature of her vision:

"I saw a place of extraordinary beauty. A paradise. It was truly wonderful."

"This was no dream – it was a glimpse of something very real."

"We must find this place. It could be our future."

Halsey's peculiar statement will no doubt disappoint those who believed she had made a full psychological recovery.

Community Goal: Halsey to Build Refugee Centre

02 FEB 3303

Former Federal president Jasmina Halsey has announced plans to establish a rehabilitation centre for victims of war – specifically those affected by the ongoing Federal-Imperial conflict. In a statement, Halsey said:

"The centre will of course provide victims with food and shelter, but it will also serve to reunite families and friends, and where necessary will help those affected by war relocate to new systems."

Humanitarian groups were quick to applaud Halsey, who since being discharged from the Clearwater Clinic in July last year has repeatedly expressed her commitment to peace.

The campaign has received financial support from the Yum Kamcabi Purple Life Industry, which has placed an open order for Power Generators, Tantalum and Polymers for use in the construction. Pilots who deliver these commodities to Dirichlet Orbital in the Yum Kamcabi system will be generously rewarded.

The campaign begins on the 2nd of February 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Galactic News: Galactic Leaders Trade Blows

03 FEB 3303

The leaders of the galaxy's three superpowers have released further statements concerning reports of mysterious spacecraft.

Emperor Arissa-Lavigny Duval, responding to the recent statement from Federal President Zachary Hudson, said:

"Once again, President Hudson has shown himself to be little more than a warmonger. I say again: we must not jump to conclusions. We have not yet acquired any reliable information about these vessels. We must be patient."

No sooner had the Emperor made her statement than President Hudson responded. Speaking at a rally on Mars, he said:

"Some believe that aliens have infiltrated the Empire. An improbable claim? Maybe. But then again, maybe not. After all, we are almost certainly dealing with an extremely advanced species. Who knows what they are capable of?"

Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon did not release a statement, but former Federal president Jasmina Halsey, who has become one of Mahon's most trusted advisors, made an announcement in which she seemed to address the ongoing Federal-Imperial conflict as much as the mysterious ships:

"Understanding. Cooperation. These must be our watchwords. We have to go beyond party politics and petty point scoring. Only by working together can we hope to avoid bloodshed."

Galactic News: Halsey's Campaign Reaches Successful Conclusion

09 FEB 3303

Former Federal president Jasmina Halsey has announced that her campaign to establish a rehabilitation centre for victims of war has received the wholehearted support of the galactic community. Hundreds of pilots supported the campaign by delivering construction materials to Dirichlet Orbital, the campaign's centre.

As the campaign drew to a close, Jasmina Halsey released a statement:

"It is clear to me that, in the current political climate, peace cannot be achieved without practical effort. It feels so good to do something that will have a measurable impact."

"My sincere thanks go to the many pilots who supported this campaign, and to the Yum Kamcabi Purple Life Industry for its generous financial support."

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Dirichlet Orbital in the Yum Kamcabi system.

Freelance Report: Protesters Petition for Halsey's Freedom
14 MAY 3302

One year ago today, Federal President Jasmina Halsey and Vice-President Ethan Naylor embarked on a tour of Federation frontier systems. Two weeks later, Starship One was declared missing with all hands. Despite initial assessments that the ship would never be found, the remains of the vessel were located and a handful of survivors recovered, including former president Halsey.

Although Halsey had many political opponents, she also had many supporters. Some of these supporters have assembled outside the psychiatric facility on Mars where Halsey is currently located, waving signs and chanting various slogans, seeking her release.

Rachel Young, one of the most vociferous of the former president's supporters, made this statement to on-site reporters:

"President Halsey worked hard for the Federation. She deserves to be with her family. She deserves the respect and protection any former president is entitled to, not to be locked up in the funny farm."

Federal law enforcement is monitoring the protest to ensure it remains peaceful.

Commander Corrigendum

Galactic News: Halsey Stages Anti-War Protest

20 MAY 3303

Former Federal president Jasmina Halsey held a public demonstration in the Alioth system yesterday in protest of the ongoing conflict between the Empire and the Federation.

More than 30,000 people attended the event, which lasted for several hours and occupied one of the main public plazas in Nerah City on Argent’s Claim.

A number of high-profile speakers and activists addressed the crowd, although Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon was notable by his absence. Political commentators were quick to point out, however, that the demonstration could not have taken place without his foreknowledge, if not his explicit approval.

In an address to the crowd, Halsey said:

“As a 20th Century historian once wrote, ‘The underlying reason for war is always economic.’ This conflict has nothing to do with freedom or liberation – it is about resources. And I believe enough people have died to line the pockets of already wealthy individuals in the Federation and the Empire.”

“I speak now directly to President Zachary Hudson and Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval: It is not too late for you to listen to reason.”

Neither the Empire nor the Federation elected to respond to Halsey’s statement.

Galactic News: Halsey Comments on End of Cold War

28 OCT 3303

With the news that the Empire has withdrawn its fleets from the Pleiades Nebula, apparently signalling the end of the Federal-Imperial cold war, former Federal president Jasmina Halsey has commented on the cessation of hostilities.

Addressing a large crowd in Nerah City on Argent’s Claim, Halsey said:

“Like many of you, I rejoiced when I heard the Federation had recalled its ships. But my jubilation was undercut by the knowledge that our protests and entreaties had failed to move a single Federal or Imperial vessel. Were it not for the emergence of a greater potential threat, the Empire and Federation might still be installed in the Pleiades, squabbling over barnacles. And while the impact of the conflict could have been far greater, it was still far from a bloodless war.”

“I would like to believe that the Federation and Empire have learned from this experience, but I suspect they have not. But I promise you that I will continue to help those affected by such conflicts, for as long as I am able.”

With thanks to Texas_Pete for these links:
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