Logbook entry

Fly the Friendly Skies.

01 Dec 2015DNA-Decay
26/09/3301 - Met a Slovenian CMDR - Matt someone -  hanging around Gateway. Forgot to friend him, but had a long chat and pointed him in the direction of the Alliance. Told him a couple of easy money trade routes out of Gateway.  No Slaves - what do you think I am?
Next night 5 Slovenian guys turn up at the Reddit Teamspeak. CMDR Stevo and the gang didn't quite know what to make of them.
CMDR Decay recruitin for the Alliance - ha.

01/10/3301 -  Met and friended John Husky.
Combat Novice in an Anaconda (how does that even happen?). Hanging around Tellus doing trade runs. Hooked up for a couple of hours wing trading. Not sure of the benefits, will have to confirm - and confirm I'm doing it right, but the social was good. encouraged him to check out the mahon reddit. Made 5 MCr on top of the 5 MCr for Rank 4 pay. Good weeks work for me - but that guy was totally in the zone. I know Anacondas can get up a nice head of speed, even if it takes them a while, but that guy could zip his 'conda through the toast rack, and be on pad dusted off before I was half way back from Gateway.

Novice my arse.

04/10/3301 JFK No Contackt dropped
Grigori D (something) said hello, kak dlya. nowt else.

02/11/3301 Been doing the mining CG at Kaushpoos. Ran into heaps of CMDRs at Neville Horizons - Mostly they hunting pie-rats but you see other new Clippers loaded up with Palladium.
Lots of folks with their fancy paid-for paint jobs.
I can't talk - all my ships are ugly paid yellow.

1/12/15 on the Mahon Reddit TS.
Flew down to Bhotho to pick up some Osmium from CMDR Hribek. Loaded up on some prospectors and found hime some painite.
Listened as CMDR Tuhua (a kiwi) did some probing around a noob called CMDR Bort. Bort was in a Cobra after two days and the Kiwi was pretty suss. Reckoned he was an infiltrator. ME - I dunno.

BUT - How's this turd: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteMahon/comments/3urqqx/an_official_inquiry/

Fuck I hate the Empire and their stoopid titles, and their fancy pants ships, and their greasy lies and their 5th columning and their - jeeze how do I even put this (maybe there's a word in German) - their "sucking up to the dungeon master for the in game benefits"
Sod 'em.
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︎8 Shiny!
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