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Shirley you can't be Sirius (don't call me Shirley)

23 Mar 2017DNA-Decay
Last night I finally got the Sirius permit.
I was tired and it was late before an early start today. So instead of heading away and coming back with a hold full of Lavian Brandy (as I have done for every other permit unlock) I just went on over to have a first look at the Sirius system.

Docked at Patterson Enterprise and went looking for some Sirius Corporation missions to get a Qwent invite.
Sirius is Federation.


Sirius is ruled by a Federation puppet regime called "Sirius Free". They're a democracy and that's nice enough, but they are Feds.
And Sirius is not just ruled by Sirius Free (Fed) - there is only ONE asset left that is owned by Sirius Corporation.

And gues what.
Sirius Corporation is in Civil War with Sirius Free (Fed).
Yesterday: Sirius Corp 43% vs Sirius Free (Fed) 40%
Today: Sirius Corp 36% vs Sirius Free (Fed) 43%

The Federation CMDRs are absolutley smashing it in Sirius.
Sirius Corporation are about to lose Efremov Plant - a surface port and their last asset in Sirius.

This cannot have happened just recently.
Yes - Sirius Corporation will have a natural influence rise as CMDRs do missions to unlock Qwent.
But for a Federation Minor Faction to hold all the assets, a group of CMDRs must be going into Sirius and winning every Civil War.
They may even be engineering the Civil Wars to win all the assets.

Sirius permits can't be dependent on Sirius Corporation ruling in Sirius. Otherwise they would have stopped ages ago. [so that's safe]
Qwent missions are probably not dependent on Sirius Corporation ruling a station or surface port. [I hope]
But all Sirius Corporation missions (including Qwent) will be much rarer if Sirius Corporation has low influence and doesn't own a station.

This Civil War is at least two days old, maybe more.
The Feds have a winning 7% lead and they smashed out 10% influence change yesterday.
If Sirius want to hold onto something they need to be acting right now.
They could make a call to "Help throw off the Federation opressors and their puppet regime"

And I think there are a lot of CMDRs who do have some time for Sirius and LYR.
How many of us bought cheap ships from LYR stations?
How many of us did long hours in the cockpit for Modular Terminals?
How many love their G5 Thrusters? (You can't get Palin without Qwent).

But no one will do anything in time, and here's why:
Sirius as a player organisation seem to have splintered into different shards - there's ".SiriusGov" and "Sirius Inc" for a start. The PowerPlay group and the PMF wing lead parallel lives and barely know each other.
And everyone disowns and despises "The Mad Bomber". [no naming and shaming]
No one wants to help him. Everyone who interacts with him is tainted by the association.

So in summary, I believe - a clandestine group of Federation CMDRs have orchestrated a long term BGS takeover of Sirius, and installed a puppet gevernment.
Their plans are almost complete.
In two days Sirius Corporation will not have a home in their home system.
And no one will raise a hand to stop them.
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