Logbook entry

Take California!

19 Jun 2017DNA-Decay
Alliance Operations in the California Nebula

All quiet on the rimward front.

Once Turner Research Group were governing Darwin. I returned to the bubble with my half billion paycheck and sorted out my Fleet. In addition to the relatively new Anaconda  "Turner's Call" and stopping in at Alioth to buy an Asp (I had to sell the Green Dream to buy the 'Conda); I bought a T-9 (the Suzy Thunda) and a Beluga Liner (the Darwin Ferry). I'd got involved with a chap making a video series about the California Nebula and ended up facing a few rebuys. Jeeze half a billion doesn't go far really.

Anyway, there's a bit on back in the bubble, and I'm better equipped to contribute now.
But the AEDC are running a new PvP fight club so I need to pick up a viper and of course I want a DBX. Excuses I know.
But I came back out to Darwin to refill the war chest.

Decided to get a happy picture of my new Beluga the Darwin Ferry at Darwin Research Laboratory taken on my PC in Darwin Australia. Took too long. Loitering is punishable by death. Rebuy.
And suddenly after having half a billion cash a few days ago, I am flying a tricky big ship through the toast rack and I'M BELOW REBUY.

But Mic Turner soon fixed that. Two hours and 40 MCr later, I'm back in business. And I haven't even got some of the modules transferred up from Alioth yet. There's a big luxury cabin and a big first class cabin on their way.

I do need to get back to the bubble. But I'm just going to grab enough for a bit of shopping.
A mil spec hull for the Python (the Tereshkova) would be nice.
A DBX to be called "The Scanner Darkly" with a charcoal skin.
A viper for Viper Club.
And some sort of bigger combat ship like a FAS or an FDL.
Oh and to replace the hulls I've got skins for: T-6 and Cobra.
Uh that list is royally stupid.
But I guess that is what this station flip was about.
Setting up an Alliance cash maker to sort the finances of Alliance CMDRs.

Details and old posts below:

I will remain in the area watching the Ripe Barnacles at Mic Turner Base.
And continue to support Turner Research Group until it stabilises.
It's probably someone taking Passenger missions for FFE, and in a few days when Turner starts issuing them again, the grinders will be helping us, but until then, we have to stay out of another war.

I hope some other folks will join me.

Mic Turner Barnacles
There are two ripe Barnacles on the Mic Turner Base planet.
I will keep a machine logged in at the Barnacle at 34.84 / -40.39
So if you want to join me there, please feel free. I can accept wing invites, but the machine will be at work so screen off and I may take a while to respond.
So far I haven't heard of a single Thargoid <> Barnacle interaction except at the one in Pleiades.

Please PM me if you get a confirmation from anywhere except: [location TBC]

The other known ripe barnacle on Mic Turner is at: 33.93 / -61.22.
But a full list is available here:https://inara.cz/cmdr-logbook/3414/17018/
Many thanks to CMDR PanPiper for months of work studying the barnacles and figuring out their barren / ripe cycle and their locations. Many thanks and acknowledgements for his months of work. Go to his thread here and Rep him until he bleeds:

UPDATE -Saturday]

War is Live. Won. 25% lead - that can't erode by Sunday.
Just finishing out he Massacre Missions now.
CZs are in effect.
Plenty of Massacre Missions.
Thargoids possibly in the area.
This Reddit post for details: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteMahon/comments/6esnj1/things_to_do_this_weekend/

Original Post

Goal 1: Flip Darwin Research Facility to Alliance.
Goal 2: Support the Alliance development of the California Nebula.
Goal 3: Give Alliance CMDRs a way to get rich without supporting Empire or Feds.

The Alliance is developing a number of systems out in the California Nebula, a thousand light years from the bubble.
Our faction out there is Turner Research Group. Mic Turner is a founder of the Alliance.

.Mic Turner Base = Mic Turner Base:   California Sector BA-A E6
.Mahon Base = Mahon Research Base:   HIP 18077
.Redmarch = Redmarch Research Facility: California Sector JH-V c2-12
.Darwin = Darwin Research Facility: California Sector BV-Y c7
.Ford = Ford Research Laboratory: California Sector HR-W d1-28

Turner is the only faction in four of them, however at the Asteroid base Darwin there is a more normal BGS faction split..
The 3 factions at Darwin Research Facility are:
* TRG - Turner Research Group - aka "Turner" - Alliance
* DSI - Deep Space Investigations - aka "Bad Guys" - Ruling Independent.
* FFE - Far Flung Entertainment

After the recent Trade CG Deep Space Investigations (DSI) are riding high.
As the ruling group, any exploration sold in Darwin increases their influence. As does any trade.
So the only things we can do for Turner are Missions and Bounty Hunting.

The BGS is weird out here. In most systems Turner is the only faction and sits at 100% influence.
So the mission boards are empty, even in Darwin. Once in a while you'll see donation misions, but that's all.
Passenger Missions however are plentiful at Darwin, and they pay very well.

The problem here is that ALL the factions are giving out Passenger Missions. And DSI as the ruler gives out the most.
But we can use Turner Passenger Missions to help flip the system - see below for the procedure.

Bounty Hunting:
Don't bother bounty hunt in the sytem at Darwin.
The ruling faction in any system gives out the majority of bounties so you will end up with a lot of DSI bounties that you MUST NOT cash-in.
Instead, Bounty Hunt at Mic Turner Base or at Ford. Turner is the only faction there, so you will get lots of Alliance and Turner bounties.
There's a Compromised Nav Beacon at Mic Turner Base, and a Haz Rez in the rings of the first Gas Giant there as well.
Take the Turner bounties back to Darwin to cash-in, but hold on to the Alliance bounties. Cash those ones in when we are at "Civil War Pending". Alliance bounties will get devalued to the percentage influence of Turner on the day you cash them in. Better to wait.
DO NOT cash in any bounties except Turner Research Group and Alliance.

How to come out here and help:

1) Configure your combat ship with a long range FSD and a decent fuel scoop. Test it out and park it somewhere. I've used a Vulture. (or store your guns etc to transfer later)

2) Configure your Asp* (* or Anconda or Beluga) for long range travel. Minimum or no shields and D Rated components. Except: your Large A-Rated FSD Engineered for long range, best Discovery Scanners, largest A-Rated Fuel Scoop you can fit.  Heat sinks. More Heat sinks. Luxury Cabin - you can get Business and First out here.

3) Take the Asp* out to Ford. Honk all the way. Call in your Combat ship (did you combat test it before you parked?), and then sell your  Exploration Data one-system-at-a-time until you are allied with Turner Research Group.

4) Do the tourist stuff - Scan all the bodies in the Alliance systems, scan the beacons, go for a drive in an SRV, check out the Pumpkin Patch, the Bark Mounds, the fumeroles, Little Blue, Redmarch - do it all. See the Lore section below. Once you're done, get rid of the SRV.

5) Buy Passenger Cabins. Take the Asp* over to Mic Turner Base. They have Business and First - I don't know if there are Luxury Cabins out here. If you're bringing a Beluga, maybe pick up one luxury cabin in the bubble.

6)  Go to Darwin Research Facility. Set up your bookmarks (see below).

7) Take Passenger Missions from Turner Research Group sightseeing to: "Mic Turner Bark Mounds", "Alliance Outpost in the California Nebula" and "Little Blue".

8) Mode Switch. When the passenger lounge has no more useful missions, change modes (open / solo) and try again. Sometimes the board will dry up for hours. Don't give up.

9) Do the Passenger Missions - but Go only to  "Alliance Outpost in the California Nebula" and "Mic Turner Bark Mounds". When you scan those two beacons - any missions you have that include Little Blue will be marked as complete. Do not go actually go to Little Blue.

10) Lots of your passengers will be illegal, so you won't need shields and you can stock another passenger cabin (Store them at Ford) Silent Running and heat sinks are your friend - use early and use often.

11) Get Grinding. Once you're grinding passenger missions, you wont need scanners either (store them at Ford).

12) Keep it fresh with Bounty Hunting: When the mission board dries up (and it does) - go to Ford, swap out to your combat ship and go bounty hunting.

Okay so that's the grind.

Here's the caveats and problems:

1) Do NOT take passengers from Deep Space Investigations! Shouldn't have to say this - but we're here to win this for Mic Turner and the Alliance not to line our wallets. DSI are the bad, mmkay. Especially watch when you mode switch as you get set by default to the ruling faction.
2) Do NOT sell exploration data at Darwin! Shouldn't have to say this either. Exlo data helps the ruling faction. Especially during expansion. What state is DSI in? Expansion! (Turner is as well, but the point stays) Sell at Mic Turner Base or Ford.
3) Do NOT trade with Darwin! Same as Explo data.
4) You can take a few missions from Far Flung Entertainments. If FFE rise a little bit, that helps bring down DSI. BUT once DSI starts to come down, it will be important to leave FFE alone, just let them gently sink.
5) Passenger missions only have a small influence so it will take a lot to move Turner. But hey - you'll be rich stop complaining.

Flipping Darwin will probably pan out in six stages:
Stage 1: DSI riding high after the CG, random CMDRs selling their exploration data and grinding passenger missions for cash continue to push DSI.
Stage 2: Alliance CMDRs push Turner and FFE, which brings down DSI. Be careful with doing anyhthing for FFE! We want them to stay 20% lower than Turner.
Stage 3: Turner and DSI equalise influence: During the 3 days of Civil War Pending and the Civil War itself - combat actions will count double influence, so collect Turner bounties by Bounty Hunting at Mic Turner Base and cash them in at Darwin. (oh hey there's your combat ship at Ford).
Stage 4: Civil War - CZs spawn.  Go to the Combat Zones and join side: Turner Research Group. Wing up with Alliance CMDRs for efficient combat. Cash-in your Combat Bonds frequently, even small amounts are good.
Stage 5: Profit. When Turner Research Group is ruling in Darwin, you will be able to cash in explo data, trade, and do passenger missions. There are pristine metallic rings nearby for mining. We can advertise, put it up on YouTube and have it as a mini "Quince but Alliance". Turner should stay ruling by the work of CMDRs coming out here to get rich.

[Section To Be Completed] but the story is based on this thread:

Once you have visited the system you can bookmark the base or station directly in the System Map.
Then go to the GalMap, find it on the BookMarks tab.
Right Click - edit.
And change the name to something short that stays at the top of your bookmarks. .Darwin = "California Sector BV-Y c7 Darwin Research Facility"
When you are selecting from the bookmark tab, you do not need to wait for "plot route" to complete, just click and go.

Here's the list of systems and things to see:
Mic Turner Base
California Sector BA-A E6
Bark Mounds
Compromised Nav Beacon
Haz Res in Pristine Metallic ring of first gas giant.
"Alliance Outpost in the California Nebula" Tourist Beacon
"Mic Turner Bark Mounds" Tourist Beacon.
Ripe Barnacle: 34.83 / -40.39
Ripe Barnacle: 33.93 / -61.22

Barnacle:  -37.45 / -15.00
Barnacle:  37.93 / -40.44
Barnacle:  30.58 / -66.27
Barnacle:   30.62 / -67.13
Barnacle:   64.44 / 04.70

Mahon Research Base
HIP 18077
Pumpkin Patch
Compromised Nav Beacon

Redmarch Research Facility
California Sector JH-V c2-12
High security scanner arrays and other stuff.

Darwin Research Facility
California Sector BV-Y c7
Asteroid Base
3 Faction BGS

Ford Research Laboratory
California Sector HR-W d1-28
Ship Yard. Transfers available.
2G Planet can be tricky if you aren't used to it.

Little Blue
BD+30 623
"Little Blue" Tourist Beacon
Very pretty very small blue nebula about a third of the way back to the Plieades.
Go there once, to know what you're cheating your passengers about.

See Reddit post above or CMDR PanPiper's spreadsheet. Also via Reddit link above.[/b]
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