Logbook entry

Exposing AEGIS

16 Feb 2018DNA-Decay
Collecting all the AEGIS refernces I can find in GalNet and arranging chronolgically.


Galactic News: Joint Superpower Initiative Announced

05 AUG 3303

In recent weeks, a number of programmes have been launched to gather further information about the Thargoids. While the Federation has established an outpost in HIP 17692 to monitor Thargoid activity, independent organisation Abroin Universal PLC recently completed a campaign to amass material for a research centre in the Pleiades Nebula.

But not everyone believes such initiatives represent the best way to proceed, with a growing number of voices calling for an inter-superpower initiative that consolidates existing knowledge and resources.

Now these individuals are about to have their wishes granted. At a hastily convened press conference in the Sorbago system, Professor Alba Tesreau of the Achenar Research Council announced that a confederacy of scientists from the Empire, Federation and Alliance has united to establish a new organisation: Aegis. The organisation’s remit will be to gather further intelligence on the Thargoids and coordinate all future research.

Professor Tesreau said:

“While I applaud recent efforts to learn more about the Thargoids, we can achieve far more by working together. It is imperative that we coordinate our efforts, and share our knowledge and expertise. That is what Aegis has been created to achieve.”

“Naturally, the cold war between the Federation and the Empire has complicated efforts to make this initiative a reality. Fortunately, while there may be antagonism between our governments, there is a strong desire for collaboration and cooperation within the scientific community.”

Having received substantial funding from all three superpowers, Aegis will soon establish its first research outpost in the Pleiades Nebula.

Galactic News: Alliance Defends Research Initiative

16 AUG 3303

The Alliance has been criticised for its recent appeal for Thargoid data, which began only days after a joint-superpower initiative was established to study the Thargoids.

A number of independent factions, including the Federal Republican Command, have censured the Alliance for its apparently contradictory stance.

A spokesperson for the Alliance was quick to respond:

“Aegis emerged from a spirit of unity, so we can understand why an independent initiative could be seen as undermining that philosophy. The simple truth is that it takes a long time to plan a campaign of this sort, and in this case our preparations began long before Aegis was established. Cancelling the campaign would have had dire repercussions for our partners, the Kaushpoos Pro-Alliance Union, to whom we have a contractual obligation. Rest assured that the instruments we plan to develop will be made available to Aegis, to which the Alliance is fully committed.”

Galactic News: Federal Security Chief Liaising with Aegis

19 AUG 3303

Reports have surfaced that Admiral Aden Tanner, Chief of Federal Security and so-called ‘alien tsar’, is now liaising with Aegis, the inter-superpower initiative established to investigate the Thargoids.

News of Admiral Tanner’s involvement has already prompted speculation that the cold war between the Empire and the Federation could be thawing. Contrasting voices have suggested that Tanner’s association could divert Aegis from its scientific agenda and set it on a more militaristic course.

In the wake of this development, Admiral Tanner made the following statement:

“It is my sincere pleasure to support Aegis in its mission and contribute to what I hope will be a new era of collaboration. I know there are those who have questioned my involvement with Aegis, but I can assure you that after forty years in the military, I am ready for some peace.”

“Our current priorities are determining the scale of the Thargoids’ presence in human space and confirming their intentions regarding humanity. We have no concrete information to share with the galactic community at this time, however.”

Galactic News: The Thargoid Situation

26 AUG 3303

Although the first hints of the Thargoid presence began with the discovery of Unknown Artefacts in 3301, the current chapter in the Thargoid story started last year with the discovery of alien shipwrecks in the Pleiades Nebula. A few months later, in January 3303, the first interdiction from a Thargoid ship was reported.

In May, accounts surfaced of attacks in the Maia system against Federal vessels. Eyewitnesses claimed to have seen Thargoid ships at the sites, but the Federation refused to comment on the possibility of Thargoid involvement.

A key discovery was made a few weeks later, when massive Thargoid structures were found in a number of systems. Several of these structures were discovered to contain functional Thargoid technology.

With events unfolding at such a rapid pace, the superpowers have struggled to formulate appropriate responses. But the creation of Aegis, a joint-superpower initiative designed to coordinate research into the Thargoids, suggests that the galaxy’s leaders are now taking steps to address the situation.

Professor Cora Shaw, director of the Palin Institute, offered the following assessment:

“We are faced with a number of pressing questions. Why have the Thargoids entered human space? Can we communicate with them? Are they hostile? Hopefully Aegis can provide us with some answers.”

Meanwhile, in an article for the Imperial Herald, journalist Kelvin Masters gave a more frank analysis:

“The barnacles seem to indicate that the Thargoids were in Maia and Merope long before we were. For all we know, humanity has expanded into what the Thargoids see as their territory. I have no interest in scaremongering, but my belief is that a Thargoid attack could be imminent – their behaviour certainly seems to suggest they are probing us for weaknesses.”

Galactic News: Cold War Thawing?

02 SEP 3303

Following news that scientists from the Alliance, Empire and Federation have united to form a new research initiative, speculation is mounting that the cold war between the Empire and the Federation could be nearing an end.

As the conflict enters its second year, a number of commentators have expressed hope that peace might be in sight. The Imperial Herald’s political correspondent, Daxton Sung, offered the following analysis:

“It’s inevitable that the formation of Aegis would lead to assumptions that the cold war is ending, but unfortunately there’s little evidence to that effect. These are the galaxy’s largest superpowers we’re talking about. The fact that there’s accord among certain sectors doesn’t mean there’s harmony at every level.”

“But what does either side have to gain from maintaining its position? Neither the Empire nor the Federation has demonstrated it can prevent the other from extracting meta-alloys, which is supposedly what this conflict is all about. The only person to have been significantly affected by all this is poor old Professor Palin, who’s still languishing behind a Federal blockade.”

“Frankly, the situation is farcical. I suspect both Arissa Lavigny-Duval and Zachary Hudson know they’re better off calling time on the whole thing, but neither side wants to be seen as ceding to the other. It’s about pride, essentially. Shouldn’t our leaders be above such things?”

Neither Federal nor Imperial sources elected to comment.

Community Goal: Engineers Appeal for Thargoid Material

22 SEP 3303

Following news that the Thargoids have attacked a Federal convoy in the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 system, Aegis has recruited two of the galaxy’s foremost independent engineers to immediately begin developing new defensive and offensive technologies.

One of these engineers is Liz Ryder, a specialist in explosive weaponry, who spoke to The Federal Times about her involvement:

“It’s not about penetrating the Thargoids’ shields – we’ve been blowing each other up for centuries so we’ve gotten pretty good at dealing punishment – it’s about creating weapons that are specifically calibrated to damage Thargoid hardware.”

Ryder was asked if she thought it was too late to avert all-out conflict with the Thargoids:

“That’s a question for the politicians. My job is to design weapons. And if someone – or something – shoots at you, you’ve got two choices: run away or shoot back. At the moment, the first of those is our only option. It would be nice to have a second.”

Professor Ishmael Palin, a leading authority on xenobiology, has also been recruited to the programme. He said:

“My first task will be developing a scanner that can provide us with meaningful data on the Thargoids’ ships. Of course, to properly calibrate these new technologies we will need large quantities of Thargoid material.”

Aegis has placed an open order for a range of Thargoid materials for use in the programme. Aegis Core has pledged to reward pilots who deliver unknown technology samples, unknown biological matter, ancient relics and explosives to Awyra Flirble in the Eurybia system for Liz Ryder. Aegis Research has promised to reimburse Commanders who deliver unknown technology samples, unknown resin, computer components and resonating separators to Obsidian Orbital in the Maia system for Ishmael Palin.

The campaign begins on the 21st of September and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Galactic News: Aegis to Widen Remit

22 SEP 3303

A spokesperson for Aegis, the joint-superpower initiative established to coordinate research into the Thargoids, has confirmed that the organisation is to widen its remit.

The development is understood to be a response to the recent Thargoid attack against Federal ships in the Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55 system.

In a statement, the spokesperson said:

“Aegis has received sanctions from the leaders of all three superpowers to focus not only on research, but also on defence. This reflects a belief that Aegis, which includes some of the galaxy’s foremost experts on non-human life, is best positioned to coordinate such efforts.”

“We understand that some will lament this development, but the decision was arrived at only after careful consideration, and all parties have agreed on its necessity. Rest assured that our research initiatives will continue.”

It is understood that the organisation’s budget has been dramatically increased.

Galactic News: Federation Addresses Rumours

22 SEP 3303

Following news that a Federal convoy was destroyed by Thargoid vessels in the Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55 system, Lieutenant Jarah Kael of the Federal Navy has addressed rumours that the Thargoids may have attacked in self-defence.

“There has been speculation that the Thargoid attack was an act of self-preservation. Nothing could be further from the truth.”

“It is true that Thargoid vessels typically scan human craft rather than attack, so I can understand how this misconception has taken root, but I assure you it is baseless. Data recovered from IR-W D1-55, including the black box from the Farragut-class Battlecruiser, proves beyond a doubt that the attack was initiated by the Thargoids. To suggest otherwise dishonours the memory of those who lost their lives in this tragedy.”

A spokesperson for Aegis, which is coordinating research into the Thargoids, confirmed the veracity of Lieutenant Kael’s statement:

“We have been analysing the data from the attack site in an effort to understand the Thargoids’ motives and military capabilities. While I cannot yet reveal the results of that analysis, I can confirm that the convoy was attacked without provocation by multiple Thargoid vessels.”

Community Goal: Second Aegis Initiative

29 SEP 3303

Last week, Aegis started developing weapons and technologies to address the rising Thargoid threat. While some were dismayed to see Aegis shift to a military focus, the general consensus was that the move was necessary.

Following news that Aegis is to embark on a second development initiative, Aegis' military liaison Admiral Aden Tanner released the following statement:

"The Thargoids represent a very real threat, and their hostility demands that we take appropriate action. As with our previous initiative, our intention is to collaborate with some of the galaxy's foremost engineers to develop efficient anti-Thargoid technologies."

In support of this aim, Aegis's corporate partners Wolf 397 Independents have pledged to reward pilots who deliver tantalum, Thargoid Cyclops tissue samples and CMM Composites to Chelbin Service Station in the Wolf 397 system.

The campaign begins on the 28th of September and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Galactic News: Report from the Front Lines

30 SEP 3303

Many independent pilots have already taken to their ships to test the anti-Thargoid weaponry recently developed by Aegis. Meanwhile, Aegis has assembled a team of specialists to analyse the results of these encounters and determine the new weapons’ efficacy.

Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’s military liaison, said:

“The weapons are working as intended, but the Thargoid vessels are highly resilient. Even with specialised weaponry, it appears their ships can be destroyed only through collective efforts.”

“We have received reports of lone pilots, and even small groups, being utterly annihilated by the Thargoids. This tragic news illustrates that although the new weapons are effective, more work must be done if we are to achieve military parity.”

Galactic News: Further Thargoid Attacks

30 SEP 3303

As Aegis’s first campaign to address the Thargoid threat concludes, reports have reached the core systems of further Thargoid attacks in the Pleiades.

On this occasion, a number of Imperial and civilian ships were targeted, with the strikes taking place in HIP 17225, HR 1185, IH-V C2-5 and the Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55. The violence is believed to have resulted in a number of human fatalities.

As with the recent attack in the Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55 system, data recovered from the sites indicates that the Thargoids attacked without provocation. Although some of the ships returned fire, none succeeded in destroying or damaging the Thargoid vessels.

Professor Cora Shaw, director of the Palin Institute and an authority on xenobiology, commented on the news:

“If the Thargoids believe they have some claim to the Pleiades, then what we’re seeing could be territorialism. But it’s equally possible that they see humanity as an enemy, irrespective of where they encounter us. At this stage it’s hard to draw any definite conclusions.”

Galactic News: Thargoids Adapting Rapidly

04 OCT 3303

Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’ chief military liaison, has released a statement confirming that the Thargoids have begun adapting to the weapons and tactics developed to combat them.

Admiral Tanner’s statement is reprinted in full below.

“Preliminary reports indicate that although the AX missiles were inflicting significant damage on the Thargoid ships’ ‘heart’ modules, they are now proving less effective. We believe this is due to the Thargoids developing a resistance to the compound carried by the missiles. I am optimistic, however, that the current Aegis initiative will produce weapons capable of overcoming this resistance.”

“Second, we have been informed that the Thargoids are now able to lock onto ships that have deployed countermeasures, although exactly how they are doing this is not yet understood.”

“Previously, Thargoid ships responded to strategic withdrawal by advancing towards the target, even when attacked with missiles. But recent reports indicate that they have started dodging such attacks, particularly when engaged at long range. Finally, the drones deployed by the Thargoid ships have become more accurate, which substantially increases the risk they present to smaller craft.”

“These developments illustrate that we are dealing with a highly intelligent enemy capable of rapidly adapting to our weapons and tactics, and underscore the importance of Aegis’ ongoing anti-Thargoid initiative.”

Galactic News: Second Aegis Campaign Concludes

06 OCT 3303

A spokesperson for Aegis has announced that its appeal for Thargoid-related materials has reached a successful conclusion. Hundreds of pilots took to their ships to deliver material to Chelbin Service Station, which will be used to develop new anti-Thargoid technologies.

As the campaign drew to a close, Admiral Aden Tanner released the following statement:

“Those who supported this initiative have my gratitude. With each new discovery, humanity becomes stronger. But we still have a long way to go.”

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Chelbin Service Station in the Wolf 397 system.

Community Goal: Third Aegis Initiative

06 OCT 3303

Aegis has announced the third phase of its programme to counter the Thargoid threat, and is once again turning to the galactic community for the necessary Thargoid-related materials.

As the campaign began, Aegis' Head of Research, Professor Alba Tesreau, released the following statement:

"We are facing a technologically superior enemy, and it is essential that we redress the balance. But for each new device we develop, we need huge quantities of Thargoid material so we can calibrate the technology and ensure its efficacy."

The initiative has received financial support from the Wyrd Jet Power Industries, which has pledged to reimburse pilots who deliver Thargoid Cyclops tissue samples, micro controllers and explosives to Vonarburg Co-operative in the Wyrd system.

The campaign begins on the 5th of October and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Galactic News: Federation Withdraws from Pleiades

07 OCT 3303

Authorities in systems throughout the Pleiades Nebula have reported that the Federation has withdrawn its ships from the region. The development follows ongoing speculation regarding the Federal-Imperial cold war.

The Federation first deployed ships to the Pleiades over two years ago, in a move that was widely interpreted as an attempt to control the region’s meta-alloys. The Empire responded by positioning several Majestic-class Interdictors in the Pleiades. A period of hostility ensued, with both superpowers engaging in a number of proxy conflicts.

The Imperial Herald’s political correspondent, Daxton Sung, who has repeatedly written about the conflict, said:

“There’s little doubt in my mind that the formation of Aegis served as a catalyst for this development, but the current wave of Thargoid hostility was probably the main cause. President Hudson is keenly aware that to continue to oppose the Empire, when humanity is faced with an alien threat, would do him no favours politically. So I’m not surprised by this development, although I will admit that I didn’t expect the Federation to make the first move.”

Neither the Federation nor the Empire has commented on the issue, but it is expected that the Empire will also withdraw its ships from the Pleiades soon.

Daxton Sung commented:

“I don’t care how cynical Hudson’s motives are – this is good news. And we could certainly use some right about now.”

Galactic News: Thargoid Threat Continues to Escalate

07 OCT 3303

Numerous sources have reported that Thargoid activity has escalated dramatically in recent days, with attacks from Thargoid Interceptor-class ships becoming increasingly common in the Pleiades Nebula. Reports confirm that Imperial, Federal and civilian ships have all been targeted. Images captured by survivors of these attacks show Thargoid ships scanning wreckage and gathering debris, including occupied escape pods.

As Aegis continues to analyse the results of these encounters, the organisation’s military liaison, Aden Tanner, released the following statement:

“We are aware that the Interceptors have started capturing escape pods, although we currently have no way of knowing if this is a deliberate strategy or simply a symptom of curiosity. That is not to suggest, of course, that the Thargoids’ motives are benign, as it is clear they are not.”

“Furthermore, the ships we have designated ‘Interceptors’ have started deploying clusters of attack drones, which swarm enemy ships while the Interceptor attacks from range. This significantly enhances the risk presented by the Thargoids, and I urge all pilots operating in the Pleiades to exercise caution.”

“The question is: What is the Thargoids’ objective? All available resources will be directed to answering this question.”

Galactic News: Empire Pulls Out of Pleiades

12 OCT 3303

In the wake of reports that the Federation has withdrawn from the Pleiades Nebula, authorities in the region have confirmed that the Empire has followed suit. The development, predicted by many, appears to signal the end of the Federal-Imperial cold war.

The inter-superpower conflict began with the deployment of a Federal fleet to the Merope system, shortly followed by the positioning of several Majestic-class Interdictors. It was evident to observers that these manoeuvres were intended to control the region’s meta-alloys.

A number of proxy conflicts took place over the following months, but it quickly became clear that the superpowers were locked in a stalemate, with neither side willing to either up the ante or withdraw.

As the conflict wore on, public opinion was perhaps best expressed by The Imperial Herald’s political correspondent Daxton Sung, who noted that:

“Neither the Empire nor the Federation has demonstrated it can prevent the other from extracting meta-alloys, which is supposedly what this conflict is all about. Frankly, the situation is farcical.”

The catalyst for the Federal withdrawal appears to have been the rising Thargoid threat, coupled with creation of the tri-superpower organisation Aegis.

Neither the Empire nor the Federation has commented on the withdrawal of its fleets.

Galactic News: Third Aegis Campaign Concludes

13 OCT 3303

Aegis has announced that the third phase of its campaign has received the enthusiastic support of the galactic community. Huge quantities of material were delivered to Vonarburg Co-operative over the past week, which will be used to develop new anti-Thargoid technologies.

As the campaign drew to a close, Aegis’s Head of Research, Professor Alba Tesreau, released the following statement:

“I would like to extend my gratitude to all those who supported this initiative. The materials you delivered are already on their way to our engineering contractor, and the resultant device should be available soon.”

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Vonarburg Co-operative in the Wyrd system.

Galactic News: Thargoids Continuing to Adapt

13 OCT 3303

Fresh reports from the Pleiades have yielded further insights into the Thargoids’ tactics.

An Aegis spokesperson summarised the latest intelligence:

“Our initial encounters with the Thargoids indicated a certain lack of strategic awareness on their part, but they have clearly been watching, and learning. The latest reports indicate that they’re already operating more tactically, suggesting that their earlier lack of insight was due to unfamiliarity with our ships and weapons.”

“As noted before, we are clearly dealing with a highly responsive enemy, and we underestimate them at our peril.”

Community Goal: Fourth Aegis Initiative

13 OCT 3303

Aegis's campaign to counter the rising Thargoid threat has entered its fourth phase. Once again, the tri-superpower organisation has secured financial support from a corporate partner, which has placed an open order for various commodities.

As the campaign began, The Federal Times spoke to Elvira Martuuk, one of many independent engineers contracted by Aegis, who is overseeing this stage of the campaign. Martuuk said:

"The Thargoids' ability to disable our ships is one of their most formidable weapons. For the past few weeks I've been working on a device that I hope will protect human vessels from the Thargoids' immobilising field."

The Khun Independent Governance has promised to reward pilots who deliver Thargoid Cyclops Tissue Samples, Coltan and Beryllium to Cremona Prospect in the Khun system.

The campaign begins on the 12th of October 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Galactic News: Speculation over Thargoid Ship

14 OCT 3303

Some of the galaxy’s leading Thargoid experts have been discussing the discovery of a new alien ship in the HIP 17125 system.

Images of the crashed vessel reveal that it is structurally distinct from the Thargoid Interceptor, while sharing many superficial similarities. The ship has been classified as a ‘Thargoid Scout’ by the Pilots Federation for the purposes of identification and differentiation.

Discussing the discovery on the ‘Galaxy Now’ programme, Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’s chief military liaison, said:

“There are clear similarities between this ship and the Interceptor, both of which appear to be made from a quasi-organic material. It would be logical to extrapolate from the ship’s profile that it would be faster and perhaps more manoeuvrable than the Interceptor, but I’d be reluctant to speculate further.”

Speaking on the same programme, Professor Alba Tesreau, also of Aegis, commented:

“Recent analysis of the Thargoid shipwreck in the Pleiades Sector AB-W B2-4 system indicates that it is a little over 100 years old, despite being extremely similar, if not identical, to the currently active Thargoid Interceptor. This suggests that Thargoid ship design does not change particularly rapidly, and also that the shipwreck in HIP 17125 could be equally old.”

Galactic News: Fourth Aegis Campaign Concludes

20 OCT 3303

The fourth phase of Aegis’ campaign to counter the Thargoid threat has come to an end. Hundreds of independent pilots supported the initiative by taking to their ships to deliver commodities to Cremona Prospect. The materials will be used to test and mass-produce a shutdown-field neutraliser, developed by engineer Elvira Martuuk, which will counter the Thargoids’ ability to disable human spacecraft.

Martuuk released a brief statement to the media:

“I want to thank those who hauled stuff out to Cremona Prospect. I just hope the tech I’ve developed will make a difference to the Commanders on the front lines.”

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Cremona Prospect in the Khun system.

Galactic News: Aegis Expanding

21 OCT 3303

Following news that the Empire and Federation have withdrawn from the Pleiades Nebula, contractors in the core systems have reported that Aegis is poised to establish a number of outposts in the region.

The reports indicate that Aegis intends to establish more than twenty orbital outposts in the coming months, to support its ongoing research and defence initiative. Two of these outposts have already been built, and construction of a third is expected to begin soon.

Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’s chief military liaison, commented briefly on the news:

“In my view it is imperative that Aegis has a consolidated presence in the Pleiades, close to the centre of Thargoid activity. Fortunately our backers in the Alliance, Empire and Federation agree with me.”

Galactic News: Capital Ships Vulnerable to Thargoid Attack

28 OCT 3303

Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’s chief military liaison, has addressed reports of capital ships being destroyed by the Thargoids.

“Although the shutdown field neutraliser developed by Aegis is capable of protecting small ships, we have encountered difficulties adapting the technology to larger spacecraft. Furthermore, the fact that Thargoids tend to target larger vessels with multiple shutdown beams simultaneously makes the task of protecting them more difficult.”

“The fact that capital-class ships are more vulnerable to Thargoid attack means they are an ineffective way of protecting outposts, planets and shipping lanes. Consequently, for the present, the deployment of capital ships is not considered an effective defence strategy.”

Galactic News: Analysis from the Galaxy’s Most Powerful

28 OCT 3303

A number of the galaxy’s most powerful figures have commented on the current galactic landscape, addressing issues such as the return of Thargoids and the recent discovery of outposts formerly occupied by the Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm.

At a society event in the Cubeo system, Princess Aisling Duval said:

“I read the INRA records, and frankly I was sickened. How could they treat living creatures that way? I’ve heard of governments inventing threats to support their military programmes. Maybe that’s what the INRA was. A smokescreen.”

Duval was ushered away from reporters by her publicist before she could say any more.

Senator Denton Patreus, who has spent little time in the public eye since his defeat of the insurgent organisation Emperor’s Dawn, made the following statement on the ‘Galaxy Now’ programme:

“I have reviewed much of the available intelligence on the Thargoids, and it is clear that we are facing a formidable threat. Granted, we do not know the reasons for their hostility, but in my experience such details are rarely important – what’s important is knowing where and when to strike.”

“The formation of Aegis is in my view a sound strategy, and represents a sensible response to this threat. Furthermore, I know Aden Tanner well, and I wholeheartedly believe he is the right man to be guiding Aegis’s military strategy.”

Li Yong-Rui, CEO of the Sirius Corporation, also offered an appraisal of the situation:

“If there’s one thing these INRA logs make plain, it’s that humanity is capable of defeating the Thargoids, especially when we work together. And remember, most of the galaxy is functioning exactly as it always has, despite the presence of these alien aggressors. So let’s maintain some perspective, shall we?”

Community Goal: Rescue Operation in the Pleiades

03 NOV 3303

Cooper Research Associates have launched a rescue operation to recover personal effects, data and people from Thargoid attack sites in the Pleiades Nebula.

The organisation has promised to reward pilots who deliver occupied escape pods, damaged escape pods, black boxes and personal effects to the search-and-rescue contact at The Oracle in the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 system.

A spokesperson for Cooper Research Associates released a brief statement:

“Eyewitnesses have reported that Thargoid vessels are taking occupied escape pods from ships they have attacked. It is therefore essential that we recover any and all individuals from these attack sites before they can be similarly abducted.”

The operation begins on the 2nd of November 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Community Goal: Operation Andronicus

03 NOV 3303

With Thargoid attacks becoming a regular occurrence in the Pleiades Nebula, Aegis has leveraged its considerable reserves to fund a military operation in the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55. The initiative, dubbed ‘Operation Andronicus’, has been expressly conceived to counter Thargoid aggression in the region.

Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’s chief military liaison, elaborated on the nature of the initiative:

“Personal-scale craft are particularly effective against Thargoid vessels, not least because of the comparative vulnerability of capital-class ships. I therefore believe the most effective way to address the Thargoid threat – in the short term at least – is a militia of seasoned combat pilots. Aegis has agreed to finance this initiative, which will aim to deliver a strategic blow to the Thargoids in the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55.”

Aegis Research has confirmed that it will reward pilots who hand in Pilots Federation Combat Bonds at The Oracle in the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55.

The operation begins on the 2nd of November 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Galactic News: Taipan AX1 Announced

11 NOV 3303

A spokesperson for Faulcon DeLacy has announced that the manufacturer has teamed up with Aegis to produce a new version of its popular fighter, the Taipan. The spokesperson confirmed that the development was a direct response to the rising Thargoid threat.

Barr Winters, a Faulcon DeLacy engineer who worked on the new Taipan, elaborated on the ship’s specifications:

“The new Taipan has been equipped with two AX multi-cannons, replacing the default utility mount and small hardpoints. These cannons are slightly punchier than standard, which we hope will make the ship particularly effective against Thargoid vessels.”

The new Taipan, which will be known as the AX1, is not to be confused with the existing Aegis Taipan variant. The ship will be available from the 13th of November 3303.

Galactic News: Galactic Authorities Call for Calm

18 NOV 3303

As reports continue to pour in of Thargoid attacks, the galaxy’s leaders have issued statements urging the public to remain calm.

In a missive released to a number of news feeds, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval said:

“It is true that the Thargoids represent a pertinent threat, but it is important that we understand the scale of this threat. At present, they are active only in the Pleiades Nebula, and there is no reason to believe they will spread beyond this area. Indeed, it is entirely possible that they lack the numbers to do so.”

Federation President Zachary Hudson adopted a similar stance, while making an allusion to Federal-Imperial solidarity:

“They haven’t set foot outside the Pleiades, and if they do, we have the means to deal with them. With the Federation and the Empire working together, there is no enemy we cannot overcome. The galactic community has nothing to fear.”

But the buoyancy of these statements was undercut by Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’s chief military liaison, who offered the following assessment to The Federal Times:

“We have no intelligence regarding the Thargoids’ long-term plans, and it would be premature – if not irresponsible – to assert that they will remain in the Pleiades. I can assure you, however, that this is a matter Aegis is actively investigating.”

Community Goal: Fifth Aegis Initiative

24 NOV 3303

Aegis has announced a second military strike on a Thargoid-occupied system, following the success of Operation Andronicus. The operation will focus on Electra, where high concentrations of Thargoid vessels have been reported.

Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis's chief military liaison, elaborated on the nature of the operation:

"We have two primary objectives: To reduce the number of Thargoid vessels operating in Electra, and to gather Thargoid material with which to test and calibrate our anti-Thargoid technologies."

Aegis Research has promised to reward pilots who hand in Pilots Federation Combat Bonds at Cavaleiri in the Electra system.

The campaigns begin on the 23rd of November and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Galactic News: Fifth Aegis Campaign Concludes

01 DEC 3303

An Aegis spokesperson has confirmed that the organisation’s campaign in the Electra system has come to an end. The operation was designed to reduce the number of Thargoids operating in the system, and to gather Thargoid material for Aegis’s ongoing research and development programme.

The spokesperson released the following statement:

“The recovered Thargoid materials will be used to test larger versions of the AX dumbfire missile and AX Multi-Cannon, which will soon be made available to the galactic community at planetary military bases. Our thanks go to those who supported this operation.”

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Cavalieri in the Electra system.

Galactic News: New Aegis Initiative

02 DEC 3303

Aegis has announced plans to dramatically expand its research division with the creation of over twenty new laboratories, situated at starports across the galaxy.

Professor Alba Tesreau, Aegis’s chief scientific advisor, gave the following statement to The Imperial Herald:

“We must do everything we can to further our understanding of the Thargoids. That’s why these new research centres are so important. Everything we can learn about the Thargoids’ history, biology and psychology is of potential value.”

“If we could understand the Thargoids – really understand them – perhaps we could broker some kind of truce. I, for one, have not given up on the idea of peace.”

“Over the past few months, we have conducted a massive recruitment drive to secure some of the galaxy’s best and brightest minds. Now it’s time to find out what those minds can accomplish.”

The starports involved in the initiative include:

  • Arc's Faith, HR 1183
  • Armstrong Enterprise, Bhal
  • Artemis Lodge, Celaeno
  • Asami Orbital, Pleiades Sector JC-V D2-62
  • Bao Landing, HIP 17497
  • Beaufoy Vision, Nauni
  • Bennington's Rest, 42 N Persei
  • Borrego's Vision, Pleiades Sector IH-V C2-7
  • Cavalieri, Electra
  • Cleaver Prospect, Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-57
  • Copernicus Observatory, Asterope
  • Cyllene Orbital, Atlas
  • Exodus Point, Hyades Sector AB-W B2-2
  • Gaiman Dock, 49 Arietis
  • Hudson Observatory, HIP 17694
  • Kamov Survey, HIP 17892
  • Kipling Orbital, Pleiades Sector KC-V C2-11
  • Liman Legacy, HIP 16753
  • Malthus Terminal, Pleiades Sector HR-W D1-41
  • Obsidian Orbital, Maia
  • Reed's Rest, Merope
  • Rix Depot, Pleiades Sector IH-V C2-5
  • The Oracle, Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55
  • Titan's Daughter, Taygeta
  • Weyn Dock, 64 Arietis

Galactic News: Aegis Initiative off to a Promising Start

08 DEC 3303

Reports from the Taygeta system indicate that Aegis’s new research programme is already bearing fruit.

Professor Boden Tench, principal researcher at Titan's Daughter, offered the following statement to Universal Scientist:

“We’re currently focusing on the Thargoid Probes and Sensors, and we’ve already learned a great deal about the way the Thargoids transmit and store information.”

“We’ve also been studying the star maps found inside Thargoid structures. We still don’t know the precise purpose of these maps, but our analysis has revealed some intriguing details about how the Thargoids categorise geographical data. Indeed, it’s entirely possible that their concepts of territory differ dramatically from our own.”

Galactic News: Galactic Leaders Condemn INRA

14 DEC 3303

Following the discovery of further INRA outposts, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval and Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon have issued statements denouncing the now-defunct INRA.

Speaking from the Imperial Palace on Capitol, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval said:

“What the INRA records underscore is that even when faced with dire threats, we cannot abandon our principles. Evidently, the INRA crossed ethical boundaries in its pursuit of victory. Defending civilisation cannot come at the cost of our humanity.”

Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon added the following:

“While the INRA records are indeed disturbing, it was the account of John Jameson that troubled me most. Here we have a man – who evidently did a great deal to defend civilisation from the Thargoids – who was deceived, manipulated and ultimately murdered by the INRA.”

“I am aware of concerns that Aegis could continue in the same vein. Fortunately, Aegis is bound by the strictest possible codes of conduct. We will not make the same mistakes.”

Meanwhile, the descendents of those affected by the INRA’s activities are reportedly investigating the possibility of legal action. Legal experts have advised that such efforts are unlikely to yield results, however, given the amount of time that has passed.

One Year On

12 JAN 3304

It has now been a year since the Thargoids returned to human-occupied space, and in that time they have become increasingly aggressive, their hostility culminating in starport attacks in the Pleiades Nebula.

Now that the Thargoids’ intentions have been made clear, the question many are asking is “what can we do?”

Outspoken political commentator Daxton Sung offered the following analysis:

“The situation continues to escalate and our leaders continue to offer the same tired platitudes – militaristic bombast from Hudson, noncommittal banalities from Lavigny-Duval and earnest sympathising from Mahon. It’s clear that they have no idea how to counter the Thargoid threat, beyond pumping more money into Aegis’s weapons programme.”

The Liberation of HIP 17692

12 JAN 3304

In a move that has come as a surprise to many, the Empire and Federation have announced a joint initiative to counter Thargoid activity in the HIP 17692 system.

The two-pronged operation will seek to reduce the Thargoid presence in the region, and to recover personal effects, data and people from Thargoid attack sites in HIP 17692.

The Merope Expeditionary Fleet has been authorised to oversee the combat operation, while The Pleiades Resource Enterprise has been charged with coordinating the rescue initiative. Pilots who support these campaigns will be eligible for substantial rewards.

Following the announcement, Admiral Denton Patreus released the following statement:

“Starports throughout the Pleiades have been attacked. Thousands of lives have been lost. And we have failed to deliver an effective response. That changes now.”

“This is your chance to deliver a message to our enemies – to tell them that we will not yield and we will not break. We will fight!”

The campaign begins on the 11th of January 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

New Technology from Aegis

13 JAN 3304

Aegis has expanded its roster of anti-Thargoid technologies with a new device – the decontamination limpet. The device is specifically designed to counter the caustic properties of Thargoid missiles.

In a statement, an Aegis spokesperson said:

“As we know, the Thargoids’ enzyme missiles are particularly dangerous because of the caustic damage they inflict. The decontamination limpet is designed to address this by stripping the corrosive enzymes from a ship’s hull while also performing limited repairs.”

“We have rigorously field tested the device and are confident that it will give pilots a distinct defensive advantage.”

The decontamination limpet can be purchased from planetary bases with military, high-tech, refinery, industrial or extraction-level economies.

Galactic Leaders Renew Appeals for Aid

09 FEB 3304

Seventeen starports have now been attacked by the Thargoids, resulting in widespread destruction and loss of life. Many of these stations remain in a critical state, and are unable to offer essential services.

In response, Federal President Zachary Hudson and Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval have issued fresh appeals for aid, imploring independent pilots to support relief efforts.

In her announcement, Arissa Lavigny-Duval said:

“Relief coordinators are doing everything they can, but without the support of the galactic community, the restoration of these stations will take a long time. I therefore implore independent pilots to deliver essential commodities to the affected starports, and to evacuate civilians.”

The Emperor also confirmed that Aegis is investigating reports that the Thargoids are moving towards the core systems.

Proactive or Reactive?

15 FEB 3304

As the Thargoids continue to wreak havoc in the Pleiades, questions are being asked about the lack of an effective military response.

Gianna Tachibana, an Imperial Senator based in the Achenar system, offered the following assessment to The Imperial Herald:

“The Pleiades is at risk of becoming a no-go zone, accessible only to the most courageous pilots. The formation of militias of independent pilots has unquestionably had an impact, as has the advantage afforded by Aegis’s ongoing research. But one cannot escape the feeling that humanity is being reactive, rather than proactive.”

“What is needed is a comprehensive military strategy. The time for a coordinated response is now.”

Meanwhile, authorities in a number of systems have reported that sales of Thargoid-themed novelties, including toys and clothing, have skyrocketed in recent weeks. The manufacture of such merchandise has been condemned by many as insensitive.

The Bulwark Project

15 FEB 3304

The Federation has launched an initiative to develop autonomous military hardware with which to fight the Thargoids.

Federal Shadow President Felicia Winters shed further light on the initiative, which has been christened the Bulwark Project:

"As the Thargoids' aggression escalates, it's essential that we find ways to minimise casualties while continuing to protect ourselves. Aegis is doing commendable work, but it needn't be our only line of defence."

Imperial commentators have criticised the initiative, however, drawing attention to long-standing conventions against the development of artificial intelligence. Shadow President Winters was quick to dismiss such concerns, saying:

"The purpose of the Bulwark Project is to investigate alternative defence strategies, not to develop machine intelligence."

The operation has received financial support from the Momoirent Central and Co, which has placed an open order for various commodities for use in the campaign.

The campaign begins on the 15th of February 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Before watching this video it is important to kep in mind this fact:
bagofholding;6410416This was an entry in the 3.0 Beta patch notes:

   Fixed Black Flight ships being incorrectly flagged as allied with Aegis Research

The only reason these ships say "Aegis Research" is because the system went from uninhabited (and likely with some sort of hidden faction that used to "own" the system) to one that contained an aegis station.

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