Logbook entry

The dawn of the Void Haven (NZL-01Z)

29 Jan 2022Max Void
At 13:30 hours on the 29th of January, 3308, the Void Haven (NZL-01Z) departed from the carrier yard in the Alcor system and warped to the carrier admin system Khernidjal to begin outfitting before it's maiden voyage.

I'd been planning this purchase for a couple weeks now; I'd saved up enough for the vessel's outright purchase, but I needed to submit another 500 or so bounties in order to outfit it with every service possible, as well as have some credits banked for upkeep and purchasing a few choice modules to stock. 500 bounties later, and I've landed the Void Jumper on top of one of the carrier's landing pads at the admin system.

Unable to proceed inside to the concourse as of yet, due to ongoing construction, I checked my tritium deposit, which was at half a tank courtesy of the carrier yard with every new carrier purchased. Everything looked in order, so I ordered some delivery pilots to transfer my entire fleet and module stock from their various docks across the bubble. I then entered the carrier navigation console and ordered a jump out to it's first destination.

I launched from the carrier and moved out 3km and turned to face it; using my camera suite, I positioned the best view behind the ship looking towards the front. Unfortunately, the star of Khernidjal was behind the carrier, so I didn't get a decent view of the wormhole opening against the black... but it was breathtaking to watch as the Void Haven began her first journey.

Here's to many more successful trips, commanders.

CMDR Max Void
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