Cmdr Robert Phillips
Mercenary / Explorer
Registered ship name
The Cosmic Pilgrim
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom RP-12A
Overall assets

Logbook entry

The Centre of the Galaxy

01 Nov 2016Robert Phillips
It's over 10,000 LY to the centre of the galaxy from Colonia. Thankfully, there is a dense collection of neutron stars running virtually the whole distance. I supercharge my ship at every opportunity allowing me to make the journey in around 60 jumps:

(One thing to note - the very core of the galaxy, a spherical area with a radius of around 1000 LY, has no stellar remnants at all. No black holes, no white dwarfs, and definitely no Neutron Stars. The last 1000 LY had to be traversed the old fashioned way - 50 LY at a time!)

And finally, after many hours of supercharging, jumping, and refuelling, I finally make it to the heart of the Milky Way - Sagittarius A*! A supermassive black hole that is an awesome sight to behold!

A journey that was at times frustrating and tedious. But I saw some spectacular sights on the way, and the pay off was worth it. I can say that I've 'done' this now, and I can look forward to a more casual approach to exploration as I find other beauty spots around the galaxy.
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