Cmdr Robert Phillips
Mercenary / Explorer
Registered ship name
The Cosmic Pilgrim
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom RP-12A
Overall assets

Logbook entry

A Trip Down Under

01 Nov 2016Robert Phillips
So where does one go after they've been to the centre of the Galaxy? I guess many people continue exploring, or go home. I have heard of many pilots trying to get as high up above the galaxy as possible.

Being something of a contrarian, I decide to go down instead. Way down. Vertically down from Sagittarius A*, as far as I could possibly go.

As I head further and further down, I see the galaxy becoming less of an amorphous blob of stars, and  more and more defined as an actual spiral. The stars heading out become thinner and dimmer. I see a ringed terraformable planet with an impressive view (should it ever become colonized):

And a ternary star system:

But after nearly 3000 LY, I reach the end:

This is the bottom-most star in the whole galaxy, and there is literally nothing beyond it, even if you had a jump range of thousands of LY! It is a sad and lonely sight.

Attempting to fly further away from the galaxy is a depressingly dark and featureless experience:

Not a single star in sight.

having spent the last few weeks trying to get as far away from civilization as possible, I now very much find myself wanting to see other people again:

So, time to start heading back.

But this is not the end of the journey. In fact, I have already seen a stunning sight that will have to wait for the next update!
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