A Huge Ring System
14 Sep 2017Robert Phillips
Some larger bodies (Gas Giants, Brown Dwarf, and some small stars) have ring systems. These offer a great place to mine for resources, as well as provide beautiful sights with their variety and size.After seeing many many ring systems during my travels, it takes something truly spectacular for me to stop and take a closer look. I was pleased to discover something truly spectacular at Cyoidai GC-A C15-1. The 2nd body in that system is a Gas Giant with an outer ring radius of 6,534,620 km:
That's a radius of 21.79LS!
It is so big, the ring system is clearly visible from hundreds of light seconds away. It even has 2 landable moons in orbit between it's inner and outer rings. And you also get a pretty clear view of the Crab Nebula in between.