Cmdr Robert Phillips
Mercenary / Explorer
Registered ship name
The Cosmic Pilgrim
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom RP-12A
Overall assets

Logbook entry

Space Pumpkins!

30 Oct 2017Robert Phillips
I docked at Mic Turner Base, at California Sector BA-A E6 4, and dropped off my scientist to allow him to pursue his studies in private.

I took a little drive out to the bark mounds myself. There was a tourist beacon there that shared the following info:

Mic Turner Bark Mounds

This bark mound population is popular with scientists and sightseers alike. Its close proximity to an Alliance base has caused much speculation.

(I won't comment on the politics of having an Alliance base so close to the bark mounds since I have no strong political affiliation.)

Nearby, on HIP 18077 6 C there was another scientific research centre - Mahon Research Base. This base was situated right next to another form of fungal life, affectionately called 'Space Pumpkins' due to their strong resemblance to Earth-like pumpkins:

There is not enough information around these to know if they have any kind of relationship to the bark mounds found next to Mic Turner Base (and elsewhere in the galaxy), but it seemed wholly appropriate to find myself here at this time of year.

Since I was in the area, I also decided to browse the surrounding systems and nebulae, including an asteroid base at 2MASS J03291977+3124572 called 'Ring Mine', in the NGC 1333 Nebula:

A nice place to visit!

I returned to the California Nebula to pick the scientist and transport him back to the bubble and collect my reward.
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