Cmdr Robert Phillips
Mercenary / Explorer
Registered ship name
The Cosmic Pilgrim
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom RP-12A
Overall assets

Logbook entry


03 Nov 2017Robert Phillips
I was running cargo between the bubble and the Pleiades sector in The Silver Surfer. I must have been too busy looking good, because without warning my ship got pulled out of hyperspace between systems. I was forced back into normal space whereupon my ship lost all power, and all attempts to restore power failed.

I was adrift.

With my ship disabled and the icy cold of space growing on my canopy, there was nothing I could do but try to figure out what had happened.

I didn't have to wait for long.

Out of nowhere a large ship of unknown configuration silently made it's way towards me. The ship was unlike anything I had encountered before - floral in design, with petals surrounding some kind of core (the bridge?), and no obvious signs of propulsion. The hull was not metal - it looked organic.

The unknown ship wailed and fired some kind of energy beam at my ship. The beam did not appear to damage my ship in any way though, so perhaps it was some kind of scanner?

The 'scan' lasted a few seconds. Then, apparently satisfied with what it had found, the unknown ship began to move off.

As it departed, power returned to my ship. I targeted the ship to begin scanning it, and fired up the boosters in pursuit. My ship was fast, but not fast enough to catch up with the other ship. It disappeared into a puff of hyperspace leaving only a distorted departure cloud in it's wake.

With power restored, and my ship fully functional again, I was able to resume my journey. I had no more interruptions on the way:

Upon docking at my destination, I read GalNet for information on what might have happened to me. There had been reports of this happening to pilots elsewhere for many months, and this was the first time it had happened to me.

It all pointed to one inescapable conclusion - the Thargoids, that ancient alien race that had been a source of fear and awe in the past - had returned.

This was an unprecedented opportunity for scientific research.
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