Cmdr Robert Phillips
Mercenary / Explorer
Registered ship name
The Cosmic Pilgrim
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom RP-12A
Overall assets

Logbook entry

The Guardian Ruins Puzzle (Part 2)

16 Nov 2017Robert Phillips
In my previous log, I summarised how to solve The Guardians puzzle, but I didn't describe my experience of being there.

There is an unnerving feeling when arriving at the first site. When viewed from above, it looks strange to see something that looks unnatural apparently growing out of the terrain. With everything so derelict, I felt like I'd landed at a ghost town:

I had collected all the data, and noticed patterns. Each ancient artefact represented a field of Guardian knowledge, and formed 1 half of the combinaiton of artefacts required to unlock a data packet of that type:

NOTE: The Relic does not represent a field of Guardian knowledge - it only acts in combination with the artefacts listed above.

(The full list of data collected can be viewed at Canonn's website at and

Whilst in the area, I also landed at some known locations of fungal life which appear to be related to the Guardians sites in some way. 'Brain Trees' had fungal growth on them that could be harvested for raw materials, and were known to grow on rocky, rocky/ice and ice worlds with ejecta craters also exhibiting volcanism (any type) with a temperature range of 200k to 470k. They always seem to appear in craters near Guardian ruins.

For example, at Synuefe XO-P c22-17 D 3 at Lat: 15.9644, Long: -58.3246 and Lat: -31.2500, Long: -14.5000 were ejecta craters matching this criteria. Both contained large fields of Brain Trees:

On my way back to Meene to hand in my successful mission, I also stopped by to observe a ringed Earthlike planet at Col 173 Sector SF-N d7-73 3 A:

I returned to Meene and handed in my mission to Ram Tah, who rewarded my efforts with 201 million credits, earning me a promotion to Elite Trader:

I decided to keep the artefacts and relics I had collected for the next stage of my research venture: to see if there was any relationship between them and the mysterious Thargoids…
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