Cmdr Robert Phillips
Mercenary / Explorer
Registered ship name
The Cosmic Pilgrim
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom RP-12A
Overall assets

Logbook entry

Mysterious Events in the Pleiades Nebula

22 Nov 2017Robert Phillips
Having delivered my complete set of Guardian Ruins data to Ram Tah, I decide to check out the mysterious goings on in the Pleiades Nebula.

I had read several reports of encounters with Thargoids there, and recently experienced a close encounter myself. I had a hold full of Guardian relics, and I expected to pick up several Thargoid artefacts as part of my investigations.

I knew from experience that Thargoid artefacts had corrosive properties, so I decided to fit a couple of corrosive resistant cargo racks from Professor Palin first.

Upon arrival at Maia, my Nav computer picked up a Listening Post in orbit around Maia A 2. I scanned it and received the following data packet:

…Transmission Detected Gamma Level Encryption POT­-008-0…

No Matching Signals Detected.

Control, this is maintenance team 372. There is no hardware or software issue with the listening post. That signal we’re picking up is not coming from here.

Whatever it is it’s piggybacking inside the main comms network.

All I can say for certain is that we don’t know what it is, but with some analysis we might be able to pin point where it’s originating from.

Sending data to network station in Electra.

…Signal Lost…

The message suggested there was a network station in the Electra system. I would follow up on this after my cargo racks had been fitted.

In the meantime, whilst waiting for my cargo racks to be fitted, I read the Maia Herald. It had an article about a missing ship that also seemed worth investigating:

The Maia Herald
26 Jun 3303

Missing Person Report

Security forces in Maia and the surrounding systems are seeking the location of a Luca Rekivek after his wife Joci Rekivek report him missing.

Rekivek is an explorer and prospector who has been working in the Pleiades region for several months.

According to his wife, he had made a significant discovery at an unknown location and was on his way to Obsidian Orbital to register his claim. She was to meet him here and alerted security forces when he did not arrive.

The last reported response from the transponder aboard Rekivek’s ship the Stargazer was in the HIP 16378 system, but so far no sign of the ship has been found.

I made a mental note to follow up on this. But first, I needed to collect an Unknown Probe and an Unknown Artefact.

I was able to collect 2 Unknown Artefacts easily from a known Thargoid crash site at HIP 17862 6 C A, Coords: 30.32, -98.58 (A nearby tourist beacon indicates its location):

The Unknown Probe required more effort. They are apparently found around Ammonia worlds in the Pleiades Nebula. I found one at Pleiades Sector RO-Q B5-0 7. I orbited this body for nearly an hour and eventually detected an Anomalous Signal with Threat Level 2. I dropped out of SuperCruise, and the source of the signal was revealed to be a Thargoid Probe:

So, now with 2 Unknown Artefacts and 2 Thargoid Probes, I was ready to pursue 2 potential lines of investigation:

  • Investigate the network station in Electra.
  • Investigate HIP 16378 for any leads on the missing ship Stargazer.
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