Cmdr Robert Phillips
Mercenary / Explorer
Registered ship name
The Cosmic Pilgrim
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom RP-12A
Overall assets

Logbook entry

The Thargoid Machine

27 Dec 2017Robert Phillips
I landed close to the Thargoid Structure I found at HIP 14909 2 A at coords -26.4561, -27.4742:

The structure was similar to the ones I had seen previously. But there was 1 major difference. This time, when the doors opened, the hallways were clear - I could get into the central core!

It was like driving through the insides of a living creature. The walls appeared organic, with various fungal growths, and the usual green-yellow gas associated with the Thargoids.

Scavengers patrolled the corridors.

The main corridor formed a circumference around a central chamber containing some kind of organic machine hanging from the ceiling:

Surrounding the machine were 3 bays. As I drove up to one, a hologram flashed up which resembled a Thargoid Sensor:

I ejected the Thargoid Sensor I was carrying, and it was received by the machine. After a brief moment, the holographic display was replaced by the Thargoid Sensor I had just dropped.

Driving up to the second revealed a hologram of the Thargoid Probe, so I repeated my action with the Thargoid Probe I was carrying.

However, the 3rd bay displayed a Thargoid device I had not seen before. My cargo hold was empty, and I was bit stuck as to what to do here. Clearly there was a 3rd type of Thargoid device available from somewhere.

Perhaps it was available within in this structure!

I returned to the outer corridor and traversed the perimeter. At one point, there was a corridor with a downward ramp that lead to a chamber just below the surface. This chamber contained some Thargoid technology and 3 booths:

Driving into the chamber and up to one of the booths caused them to activate. After a couple of seconds, each booth dispensed a device held in place by energy tendrils, all of them identical to the hologram in the central chamber:

The devices were identified by on-board computer as a 'Thargoid Link'. They could not be collected while still held by the tendrils, so I used my Plasma Repeater to blast the device free. Once collected, I returned to the central chamber and inserted the Thargoid Link into the final remaining bay. The machine began to glow orange, and so I  waited:

Nothing happened.

What was I missing?? The 3 devices were all in place - had something happened elsewhere that I wasn't aware of?

I reversed and brought the machine into my Data Link Scanner targeting reticle, and scanned it in the hope of revealing something.

The result was instant and spectacular:

The machine had sprung to life with a dramatic holographic display of what appeared to be a spiral of stars. There were too few stars for it to be a map of the galaxy, so maybe it was a holographic map of some sort.

At the same time, I received messages of unknown description. I tried playing one of the audio messages - it was a garble of noise. Against the backdrop of the holographic display there was too much noise to distinguish anything from the audio message. But I noticed the Thargoid Link, which had now been discarded by the machine, glowed blue after I played the audio message.

There may be some connection here worthy of investigation later.

Eventually, after about a minute, the machine automatically shut down and reverted back to it's original state, leaving me to ponder my next move.
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