Cmdr Robert Phillips
Mercenary / Explorer
Registered ship name
The Cosmic Pilgrim
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom RP-12A
Overall assets

Logbook entry

The Laser Pointer

12 Jan 2018Robert Phillips
Following my latest lead, I arrived in Mel 22 Sector NX-U D2-31 and performed a scan of the system.

I was looking for any signals or landable bodies that might provide clues as to the target of the signal I had received from the Thargoid Link.

The best candidate was a Mel 22 Sector NX-U D2-31 3 - a gas giant 4,599 LS from the main star with traces of Ammonia Based life, and orbited by 5 landable bodies.

Given the Thargoid propensity for Ammonia, this seemed a good place to start.

I navigated my way through the system, passing within 1000 LS of other planets as I went to see if any signals were detected. Unfortunately, even as I arrived within a few LS of Mel 22 Sector NX-U D2-31 3, I still had not detected anything unusual.

The 5 moons were no more than 1200 km in diameter, and so would not be impossible to perform a visual search over. However, that would be very time consuming.

The Thargoid Link had already provided me with data to get me to this system in the first place, and I wondered if it could provide some more data to find something within the system itself.

As before, I jettisoned the Thargoid Link and played it the audio transmission from HIP 14909 2 A. This time the results were very different!

Instead of responding with the audio data that led me to this system, the Thargoid Link fired a laser from it's dish:

My immediate reaction was to take evasive manoeuvres! However, after moving out of harms way I noticed that the laser had done no damage to my shields, and appeared completely harmless. It rotated back and forth a few times before eventually settling on a single direction:

The laser appeared to be pointing directly at MEL 22 SECTOR NX-U D2-31 3 A. I scooped up the Thargoid Link back into my hold and engaged SuperCruise to get closer to the planet.

A few thousand km out from the moon, I dropped out of SuperCruise and deployed the Thargoid Link again. I played the audio transmission again and the Thargoid Link responded with a laser again. Following the path of the laser, I noticed that it was not pointing at the centre of the planet, but instead pointing to some area on the surface:

I got closer to the target area and saw what it was pointing at - another Thargoid Surface Site:

I entered the site and activated the machine as I had done previously. I received 3 new audio messages this time.

Following the same logic as before, I could use these 3 audio messages to locate 3 more surface sites. And from there, 3 more sites again. And again, and again...until I reached some kind of final destination.

Thankfully, the Cannon Science Group have used their considerable resources to do exactly this, even developing a tool that allows you to enter the beep sequence generated by a Thargoid Link to get to the next site in the chain:

They have catalogued all known surface site locations that they could find (currently 226) and created a 3D map showing where and how all the sites interlink:

The surface sites form a sphere of interlinked locations.

One site is of particular note: WREGOE RA-W C15-18, identified as TS146 in the Cannon records. One of the 3 sites it points to is HIP 22460, a permit locked star system.

The 226 sites found so far form a closed loop, so there is nothing more to find at present. It seems that whatever secrets the Thargoid network holds cannot be revealed until the permit lock is lifted from HIP 22460.

Until then, we can only speculate on the purpose of the machine, the network, and the Thargoids.
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