Cmdr Robert Phillips
Mercenary / Explorer
Registered ship name
The Cosmic Pilgrim
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom RP-12A
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Logbook entry

INRA Base - Klatt Enterprises

05 Feb 2018Robert Phillips
One of my leads had led me to an INRA base called 'Hollis Gateway'. While the base provided insights into the type of technologies being tested, there was no indication of any other INRA bases that I knew to exist.

So, I followed up on my other lead and headed to Alnath A 2 A A.

Upon arrival at the planet, I performed a scan and checked for any unusual signals. I detected one near a mountain range, and headed down to investigate.

At coords 4.0279, 133.5280, I found an abandoned INRA base: Klatt Enterprises.

I landed nearby and deployed my SRV. I drove among the buildings to take a closer look. Just like Hollis Gateway, there were several silos that showed sings of leakage.

This base also had what appeared to be some kind of holding bay for a large octagonal shaped object. Given what we know about the Thargoids, it seems reasonable that this bay was used to hold a Thargoid vessel for examination and testing.

Around the site were five Comms Log Uplink points. I scanned them and got a bit more history about INRA:

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Finally, we have a breakthrough. A researcher at the facility in the Hermitage 4 A system has found something – stumbled onto something, by all accounts and it’s pushed our research forward dramatically.

Essentially, it’s a kind of fungus – one that appears to have a significant effect on Thargoid technology. We knew their tech was partly biological, but until now we couldn’t find a way to use that fact to our advantage.

The theory is that if we could somehow get the fungus into their starships – specifically their hyperdrives – we could shut them down. They’d be unable to leave their system.

We could end the war in a single stroke.

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We have built a dedicated new laboratory so we can properly test the effects of the mycoid. We also have access to an intact Thargoid ship and a living specimen. I plan to test the mycoid on both. Some of my colleagues have expressed reservations about experimenting on a living creature, but I have no such qualms. We must know what the mycoid can do.

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Excellent news: we have received a second specimen. We can now accelerate the pace of our testing.

So far, our experiments indicate that the fungus affects not only the Thargoids’ technology but also their physiology, as evidenced by the degeneration of our specimen. These results are highly encouraging. If the mycoid can hurt them – truly hurt them – we may have found the means to win this war.

Several of my colleagues have left the project in protest over our treatment of the creature. If it were up to me, I would have them executed as traitors.

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Our latest tests were extremely successful. The mycoid can paralyse a Thargoid system – either physical or technological – in a matter of seconds. It is extremely effective.

I confess: the knowledge that the mycoid causes the Thargoids physical pain brings me some measure of satisfaction. But when one has seen, first hand, the effect of their weapons – seen the destruction, the chaos, the bodies – can one be blamed for wanting them to suffer, as we have?

…Bypassing security protocols…
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The haulers have departed for the HIP 59382 1 B system with the samples, ready to start mass production. We know the mycoid works. Now it falls to other members of the project to determine how it can be effectively deployed.

I know there are some who will condemn me for my part in this project. Let them. I harbour no remorse.

The Thargoids understand only one thing: destruction. They will not stop until every last one of us has been reduced to dust. We have created a weapon that can prevent such a catastrophe. We have a moral obligation to use it.

If INRA really had found an effective weapon against the Thargoids, as is suggested by these logs, then I was curious to know what they did next.

The logs referenced another base at HIP 59382 1 B, so I laid in a course to investigate...
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