Cmdr Robert Phillips
Mercenary / Explorer
Registered ship name
The Cosmic Pilgrim
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom RP-12A
Overall assets

Logbook entry

INRA Base - Mayes Chemical Plant

28 Feb 2018Robert Phillips
Following my lead from Klatt Enterprises, I arrived at HIP 59382 1 B and began scanning the planet's surface.

Sitting on the edge of an enormous ejecta crater, at coordinates 11.3987, 177.0659, was an abandoned base: Mayes Chemical Plant.

As with previous INRA bases, this base also had some silos that showed signs of leakage.

I entered my SRV and scanned the site for any evidence of activity, and was able to retrieve the following logs from 4 Settlement Comms Log Uplink points:

…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…
…Accessing corporate records…

To: Trystan Law, Corporate Liaison

I understand that this is lucrative contract, but I really think we need to take a second look at the production schedule. We have neither the facilities nor the workforce to deliver what’s been promised. Furthermore, the facility should be subjected to a complete decontamination before we start. That could take weeks.

Essentially, we can’t produce the chemicals in the quantity requested within the given timeframe. It just can’t be done.

I’d also like to renew my request for more information on the purpose of the chemical.

Jarah Cook
Site Manager

…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…
…Accessing corporate records…

To: Elgii Sung, Site Manager

Welcome to the position of Site Manager. We are looking forward to working with you on the mycoid project.

I understand that you have raised questions regarding the reassignment of your predecessor. It was decided that her experience and expertise could be put to better use in another part of our organisation.

As discussed, it is of the utmost importance that the chemical be in production within three weeks.

We have every faith in you.

Trystan Law
Corporate Liaison

…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…
…Accessing corporate records…

To: Elgii Sung, Site Manager

Our analysis has confirmed that the latest batch was contaminated, and is therefore useless. I’m sure we hardly need remind you how essential it is that this project proceeds without complication. The cause of the contamination must be determined immediately.

We cannot afford any more mistakes.

Trystan Law
Corporate Liaison

…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…
…Corporate records found…

To: Trystan Law, Corporate Liaison

The issue with the previous batch arose because your unrealistic deadlines forced us to take shortcuts. If we were given more time, mistakes of this kind would not occur.

With that said, we have rectified the issue and extended working hours so we can replace the tainted batch without deviating from schedule. The next shipment will arrive in HIP 7158 A 2 D within 72 hours.

Elgii Sung
Site Manager

Evidently, the 2 large silos were containers for the Mycoid Virus referenced in these logs. The symbol on the silos would indicate the symbol for the virus itself.

Since the logs referenced a shipment was delivered to another base on HIP 7158 A 2 D, I laid in a course and engaged my Frameshift Drive to investigate further...
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