Cmdr Robert Phillips
Mercenary / Explorer
Registered ship name
The Cosmic Pilgrim
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom RP-12A
Overall assets

Logbook entry

INRA Base - Hogan Depot

18 Mar 2018Robert Phillips
My most recent visit to an INRA base had led me to HIP 7158 A 2 D.

I scanned the surface and found a signal on the threshold between night and day at coords -44.6309, -63.7982.

As I circled down towards the signal, under the setting sun and casting long shadows on the terrain, was a settlement: Hogan Depot.

The previous base indicated a shipment was delivered here. Obviously that way a long time ago, and this base has long since been abandoned. Nevertheless there were still some active Comms Log Uplink points from which I was able to retrieve some old logs:

…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…
…Accessing communications log…

Every day the haulers come, dropping off more of the stuff. Others come to pick it up. We’ve been told not to ask questions. See, there’s rumours it’s some kind of pesticide, right. But with the amount we’ve got in storage, they must be expecting one hell of an outbreak.

…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…
…Accessing communications log…

Some of the top brass from INRA’s visiting. The boss said he was here to talk about investment, but this guy had a military smell all over him. I know the public thinks that INRA is this great cooperative enterprise, but I don’t buy it. I think there’s more to them than meets the eye. One thing’s for sure – they’re running the show here.

…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…
…Accessing communications log…

So, the inbound haulers have stopped coming, but the collection ships are still flying in. The place finally is being emptied.

I was talking to one of the hauler pilots down the docks today. According to her, this is all part of some kind of top-secret anti-Thargoid weapon thing. Apparently they’re flying the stuff to a med-research facility in LP 389-95 7, wherever that is. She reckons, this has been going on for months, at sites all over the galaxy.

So it’s not pesticide then – well, at least not in the conventional sense.

So, based on the information in the logs, the Mycoid Virus was being moved around frequently, most likely to prevent anyone from understanding it's true purpose. These logs suggest it was swiftly moved on to another location on LP 389-95 7.

I engaged my FSD to continue my investigation...
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